Veriteos × Koa Health

Kyloon Chuah
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022

We’re excited to announce the partnership between Veriteos — a data-driven community care navigation platform that brings coordinated, culturally relevant, and dignifying mental health to underserved communities, and Koa Health — a digital mental health company developing evidence-based personalized and digital-first mental health solutions.

Despite the prevalence of mental illness such as depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, more than 60% of people in the US that have a diagnosed mental illness don’t receive the care they need due to a variety of barriers. One of the most significant obstacles is the limited availability and long wait times for mental health services, which are the result of a shortage of healthcare professionals. In fact, if every trained clinical psychologist in the US worked 50 hours a week seeing patients with no lunch break, they would only meet 12% of the current demand for mental health care. This lack of access to care is a significant public health concern, as untreated mental health conditions can have a range of negative consequences, including reduced quality of life, social isolation, and even suicide. Unfortunately, these consequences disproportionately affect underserved communities, such as those living in poverty and racial and ethnic minorities.

There has never been a greater need for digital mental health solutions that can help alleviate clinician burnout and inefficient triaging of mental health patients amidst the rapidly growing demand of mental health services. Through the Outcomes Network, our partnership with Koa Health aims to bring together community healthcare resources and Koa’s innovative and best-in-class digital mental health solutions, such as Koa Mindset and Koa Foundations, to expand and support the delivery of effective behavioral health care for patients experiencing mild to moderate depression in the underserved communities.

For instance, Koa Mindset is a private, on-demand app that uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based exercises to help individuals manage their depression. Developed in collaboration with leading clinicians at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), it is an eight-step program providing a therapist-supported continuous mental health treatment and currently being tested as part of a clinical study at MGH. Koa Mindset enables clinics and therapists to provide quality access to care for patients with mild to moderate depression through digital CBT while reducing the waitlist of patients seeking treatment from therapists, effectively increasing their ability to treat more patients without compromising on outcomes.

Koa Mindset enables therapists to deliver continuous mental health support

“We’re thrilled to be partnering with Veriteos and working closely with clinics and therapists serving patients in the underserved communities as part of our collective mission to deliver mental wellbeing for everyone by leveraging Koa’s world-class science, clinical expertise and technology,” said Stephen Dunne, Chief Product Officer at Koa Health.

In collaboration with our community clinic partners, as well as leveraging our data-driven approach to population health management, we’re already off to the races on identifying and treating eligible patients that stand to benefit from Koa Health’s evidence-based treatments for mental health disorders. This partnership represents a significant milestone as we continue to advance our work to massively improve the behavioral and overall health outcomes for everyone living in underserved communities, while simultaneously decreasing the reliance on costly medication and procedures stemming from inadequate access to care. We’re just getting started.

For more information, please reach out to us at

Thanks to Carlos Rodarte and Franziska Eckardt for reading drafts of this post.



Kyloon Chuah

Co-Founder, Chief Product and Technology Officer @ Veriteos