Veriteos × Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI)

Kyloon Chuah
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2022

We’re thrilled to announce the partnership between Veriteos — a data-driven enablement platform for empowering patient access to effective digital health solutions via outcomes-based care models, and Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI) — a non-profit organization with a mission to promote the health and well-being of all residents in Louisiana.

LPHI brings together community-driven initiatives through partnerships and collaboration, in effort to drive tangible and sustainable public health transformation for their communities. We’re excited to have LPHI as a Health Promoting Organization in the Outcomes Network, sharing our collective mission to deliver affordable and effective digital health solutions to underserved patient communities.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Veriteos to address and positively impact public health outcomes in Louisiana, many of which have been caused by systemic inequities,” said Shelina Davis, LPHI CEO. “Working together, we will be able to create community-driven solutions to improve the health and well-being of Louisianans.”

In order to achieve significant improvement of health outcomes at a population-scale, we recognize the need to take an inclusive approach in directly addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) and tackling the root causes of health inequities. This is especially important as currently only 38.2% of adults with mental illness in Louisiana receive any form of treatment, from either the public system or private providers. The ethos of “meeting people where they’re at” is core to our strategy — in addition to high quality mental health treatments, we believe it is crucial to orchestrate and deliver complementary yet essential social services through our partners, catering to the true needs of communities and local populations (e.g. food subsidy, transportation, broadband access, etc.) that will ensure meaningful improvement in outcomes can be attained.

Veriteos will provide the Veriteos Software Platform as a technology enablement layer to support and accelerate LPHI’s efforts to improve the quality and access to behavioral health services for high need communities. This includes providing an inclusive and seamless on-ramp to digital mental health solutions for everyone in need of treatment, helping them navigate and stay engaged throughout their entire care journey, clearing the path for sustained recovery that will ultimately lead to a positive impact on their lived experiences.

“Working with Veriteos advances data partnership to support innovative solutions,” said Thomas Carton, Chief Data Officer at LPHI. “Sharing information in this manner benefits the community and helps to create structures that help individuals receive the care they need.”

It is evident that mental well-being has an outsized effect on a person’s quality of life, due to its significant correlation with other health conditions and social factors. We aim to leverage the capabilities of our software platform to measure and monitor outcomes-related metrics — including clinical and SDOH data — in collaboration with our digital health partners and a Medicaid-focused health information exchange (HIE). This closed-loop feedback system enables efficient sharing of relevant and actionable information between all stakeholders, effectively building trust within the community by empowering LPHI and their partners to inform policies and actions with a data-driven approach.

We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve alongside LPHI in advancing public health for everyone in Louisiana, and couldn’t have asked for a better partner in our endeavor to improve health equity and make outcomes-based healthcare a reality.

For more information, please reach out to us at

Thanks to Carlos Rodarte and Jamie Clesi for reading drafts of this post.



Kyloon Chuah

Co-Founder, Chief Product and Technology Officer @ Veriteos