Veriteos × MiSalud

Carlos Rodarte
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2022

We are excited to announce the partnership between Veriteos — a data-driven enablement platform for empowering patient access to effective digital health solutions via outcomes-based care models, and MiSalud — a leading digital health platform providing culturally appropriate care through bilingual physicians, health coaches, and mental health professionals.

This partnership aims to bring MiSalud’s virtual primary care services to Spanish-speaking communities that are currently underserved by the traditional healthcare system, especially in regions with large immigrant populations such as California. MiSalud presents the ideal front door to a broader set of healthcare services, including mental health treatments, for people in these communities. It is also able to support patients irrespective of insurance status. As a part of the Outcomes Network, MiSalud will play an indispensable role in our collective mission to deliver affordable and effective digital health solutions to the underserved populations in the US. Through our work together, we will also unearth practical insights that can improve access to care for underserved populations.

“Having a meaningful dialogue with patients in their own language is incredibly empowering,” said Devon Huff, MD, co-founder & CEO of MiSalud. “Patients really open up about their health concerns, and even about their life situations that limit access to care. These are important discussions when building the trust needed to manage a chronic condition or mental health issue.”

There are several reasons why health outcomes in Spanish-speaking communities remain low across several measures, but language is one of the most important. For example, older populations with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) tend to experience higher levels of psychological distress. LEP is highest in the Hispanic population, but MiSalud is able to meet people where they are, providing culturally relevant care, as well as access to medications, lab tests, and imaging. Given that more than half of Latinos have not seek care from a medical professional in the last year, MiSalud recognizes that these basic interventions have the potential to create lasting impact in these underserved communities.

“We have found that people are often motivated to seek care, but have difficulty navigating the largely English-speaking healthcare world,” said Bismarck Lepe, co founder & Chairman of MiSalud. “Our goal is to create a more compassionate and understanding process by which any Spanish-speaker feels empowered to improve their health condition, for themselves and their families.”

Outcomes Network, through its growing number of Health Promoting Organizations (HPOs), enables new avenues for digital health solutions to reach high-need patients. This includes more traditional settings including community-based organizations, community clinics and health centers, to workplaces that cater health benefits for their employees — such as regional grocery stores and even labor unions. These long-tailed and fragmented access points to reach patients are often neglected by digital health companies in their pursuit of business growth due to the complexity in orchestrating care in the community setting. As such, a community-focused “bottom-up” approach is central to our inclusive effort at Veriteos to deliver scalable digital health solutions to people with unmet needs, and ultimately drive positive outcomes at the population-scale.

Both MiSalud and Veriteos are committed to measure and improve the outcomes that matter most to patients, as well as aligning our business model based on outcomes improvement. We’re excited to have MiSalud as a partner as we continue to build an outcomes-centric healthcare system with a strong emphasis on health equity.

For more information, please reach out to us at or

Thanks to Kyloon Chuah and Enrique Partida for reading drafts of this post.



Carlos Rodarte

CEO & co-founder @ Veriteos. Building resilience through imagination & tech. Husband, father, founder.