The Next Generation of 5G, IoT Infrastructure & Cloud Computing

Verizon Ventures
Verizon Ventures
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018


By Vijay Doradla

In a recent video interview, Verizon Ventures’ Vijay Doradla sat down with The Fabric’s CEO, Rajan Raghavan to discuss Verizon Ventures’ recent investment in The Fabric as well as emerging technologies in the enterprise including 5G, IoT infrastructure, cloud computing and more.

The Fabric sits at the center of innovation by co-creating companies focused on cloud and IoT infrastructure and accelerating them in this industry. To date, The Fabric has successfully built and launched companies such as VeloCloud (acquired by VMWare) and Perspica (acquired by Cisco) among many others.

As new technologies move into the enterprise, Verizon Ventures strives to have a strong pulse on the market and partnerships that can disrupt these markets. For that reason, Verizon Ventures saw The Fabric as a natural partner. Our partnership expands beyond building relationships with The Fabric’s entrepreneurs and towards the ability to co-create ideas together and help solve pain points present in the industry today.

Watch to learn more about The Fabric and how Verizon Ventures is investing in the next generation of technology for the enterprise:



Verizon Ventures
Verizon Ventures

We seed the future of technology by backing big ideas, with funding, strategic connections, and expertise.