7 Healthy Habits To Incorporate Into Your Life That Do Not Involve Exercises

Verlocal Singapore
Published in
8 min readMay 28, 2018

Every year, you make a resolution to start living healthier compared to the previous year. You go on a hunt for sports and fitness classes that you can attend after school or work.

But sometimes, life gets in the way, and you find that you might not have much time to spare for recreational sports activities. However, don’t let that stop you from leading a healthy lifestyle!

Healthy living extends beyond sweating out in the gym, lifting dumbbells and running on the treadmill. Healthy living is about taking responsibilities and making smart health choices for today and for the future. And eating right, maintaining your emotional wellness and spiritual well-being all come under healthy living.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” — World Health Organisation (WHO)

They can be as simple as incorporating healthy lifestyle habits into your daily life. But what are these habits that do not involve exercising? Let us run through these activities that Verlocal has in store for you to get you started on your journey towards a cleaner and greener way of living.

Related: 7 Fun Ways to Get in Shape This Year

1. Find Your Zen

As we mentioned, healthy living also means being spiritually hale and hearty.

Before you can do anything listed on this guide, you need to be spiritually well. If you are not, you may not be able to find in yourself the motivation to pursue any of the following steps.

When we talk about spirituality and relaxation, there is no way we can ignore the importance of mediation.

Allow your body to restore balance and renew vitality with meditation classes:

Image Credit: essentiallyMERIDIAN

Price: $50/pax (1 workshop), $90/pax (3 workshops)

Date & Time: 13 June, 2PM — 5PM and 16 June, 10.30AM — 1.30PM

Book now

Appreciating the arts is another secular spiritual activity that you can engage in. When you express yourself through art, you find yourself more at peace as stress and tension reduces:

Image Credit: Lydia

Price: $99/pax, $195/2 pax

Date: 24 June

Time: 2PM — 5PM

Book now

2. Eat Clean and Healthy Food

Exercising and eating healthy come hand in hand. It’s no good if you focus on just working out and neglect what you eat. In fact, some sources say that what you put into your mouth is even more important than how you groom it physically.

Preparing healthy snacks is really no hard chore and all ingredients can be easily sourced from our local supermarkets. And the best part is that you can have your snacks at any time of the day. Whether you’re a working adult, or a school-going youth, you can pop your snacks into your mouth whenever you need something to appease your hunger.

You can start your day off with muesli, which works as a great breakfast option because it has lesser sugar and calories as compared to other cereals:

Image Credit: The Providore

Price: $15/pax

Date: 6 June

Time: 12.30PM — 1.30PM

Book now

You can also go for a crash course that teaches you how to cook 6 fresh and simple snacks, that can serve as breakfast, lunch and dinner:

Image Credit: The Providore

Price: $115/pax

Date: 12 June

Time: 6.30PM — 8.30PM

Book now

And to treat yourself with some savoury snacks, you can make fruit tarts to placate your sweet tooth (don’t worry it’s still healthy!):

Price: $180/pax

Date: 23 June

Time: 9.30AM — 3PM

Book now

3. Go Green for a Green Environment

Building terrariums is a great way to keep both yourself and your environment clean. By nature, humans and plants co-exist and rely on each other for oxygen and carbon dioxide.

In our homes, schools and offices, we regularly use air conditioning, which reduces the air exchange in buildings. We end up breathing the same stale air over and over again.

Thus, when you add terrariums to these spaces, you can replace polluted air with cleaner and fresher air.

Not just the environment, but you too can benefit greatly from terrariums! You can enjoy a reduction in stress and anxiety levels, lower heart and blood pressure rates and higher quality of life.

Image Credit: Itchy Fingers

Price: $56.19

Date: 23 June, 6, 14, 21 July, 10, 18, 25 July

Time: 2PM — 4PM

Book now

If terrariums are not your thing, another way that you can go green is by reducing plastic waste. So instead of using disposable plastic cutlery or other non-biodegradable cutlery, why not make your own eco-friendly cutlery? It looks aesthetic and you can do your part to conserve the environment!

Image Credit: Itchy Fingers

Price: $133.33/pax

Date: 23 June

Time: 10AM — 1.30PM

Book now

4. Allocate Time to Spend with Your Friends and Family

Finding time to spend with your loved ones may not be easy these days, but it is not impossible.

Like what Australian entrepreneur Rachael Bermingham once said, “It’s not about having enough time. It’s about making enough time.”

Needless to say, research has also shown that family time reaps profound benefits. Even something as simple as having a meal together as a family promotes healthy development of children. And this extends to adults as well.

Additionally, healthy relationships with friends yield long-term physical and emotional health benefits, such as lessened grief, and increase in camaraderie to help you reach your personal goals.

What are some things you can do with your loved ones? Consider making some beautiful coasters to place under your cup of coffee or tea!

Image Credit: Itchy Fingers

Price: $80.95/pax, $152.38/2 pax

Date: 9, 16, 23, 30 June

Time: 11AM — 1PM

Book now

You can also go for a stamp making session, as a group, to make personalised stamps bearing all of your friends’ and family members’ names:

Image Credit: Itchy Fingers

Price: $100/pax

Date: 2 September

Time: 2PM — 5PM

Book now

Related: 15 Unique Family-Friendly Things to Do in Singapore this June Holiday

5. Be a Tourist for a Day

Now that June is hitting real close, some of you may have short overseas trips planned out for yourself. For the rest who have nothing planned out, especially involving flying over to another country, don’t worry. You can be a tourist in Singapore for a day!

“But Singapore is so small! What’s there to see?” You might actually be surprised by the number of things you can do in Singapore. Pay a visit to places in Singapore that you have never visited before and you can even join a tour group if you want to learn more about the area you’re visiting.

You can get in touch with nature and history on this tour around Fort Canning, to learn about Singapore’s past dating 700 years back:

Image Credit: Jane’s Tours

Price: $70/pax

Date: 21 August

Time: 9AM — 12.30PM

Book now

To celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival (18 June), embark on a foodie adventure to make dragon boat dumplings yourself:

Image Credit: Jane’s Tours

Price: $50/pax

Date: 13 June

Time: 9AM — 12.30PM

Book now

Or if you want to experience Singapore’s nightlife like a tourist, you can go for Pub Crawls just for $5:

Image Credit: Singapore Pub Crawl

Price: $5/pax

Date: Every Saturday from 25 August to 1 December

Time: 7.30PM — 11.30PM

Book now

Find plenty of other social events that you can attend here!

6. Incorporate Music Into Your Life

Everyone needs music in their life. It is therapeutic because it instils in you a sense of happiness and positivity, and it is a great way to express your feelings. Some even say music is the greatest creation of man.

There are many ways to incorporate music into your lives. It can be as simple as listening to music, such as performances by world class orchestras and opera singers:

Image Credit: Expat

Price: $1000/pax

Date: 2 June

Time: 7PM — 11PM

Book now

Or learning to play an instrument:

Image Credit: Private Guitar Class

Price: $50/pax

Date: 30 May to 30 November

Time: 11AM, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7PM

Book now

7. Try Something New Everyday

Home. Office. School. Home. This has become the daily routine for most of us. We find ourselves going through the same pattern everyday and let’s be honest, it can take quite a toll on our body. This can breed frustration and unhappiness when we find ourselves doing the same thing everyday.

So for a chance, why not embark on a new routine? One that involves you trying new things everyday?

Related: Things You Can Do Every Day in Singapore: June 2018

Coming out of your comfort zone and doing things you have never done before helps you overcome fear, and get to know yourself better. You test your limits and potential and by doing so, you see a new version of yourself.

It does not have to be something exotic or out of the world! It can be as simple as participating in a festival you may not have celebrated before, like Deepavali Evening Walk and Dinner in Little India:

Price: $70/pax

Date: 1, 2 November

Time: 6.30PM — 10PM

Book now

Or making handmade chocolates for yourself and your loved ones:

Image Credit: Bakerz@Work Academy

Price: $189

Date: 19 June, 28 June

Time: 10AM — 3PM

Book now

Alternatively, you challenge yourself by building your own app:

Image Credit: Casey

Price: $20

Book now

The activities and events in this guide are definitely not exhaustive! There are so many other things that you can do to achieve a perfect balance of physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Check out our Verlocal page for more ways to live healthily this year!



Verlocal Singapore
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Verlocal is a community-driven booking management system that aims to help people turn their passion into profession. https://sg.verlocal.com/