Verlocal Diaries: Acro Polates

Sean Chua
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

Each week, “Verlocal Diaries” records the Verlocal team’s adventures to various classes conducted by our hosts. From the narration of our hosts’ stories to the thoughts of our fellow participants, we piece together everything we have experienced to create a lasting memory in the form of a diary entry — that is both personal and shareable.

Dear Diary,

Today, we visited Acro Polates, a studio that specialises in Aerial and Pole Fitness. Before hearing about this, my impression of pole dancing was very different. I didn’t know that it could be a artistic performance or even a form of exercise! (a demanding one at that).

In fact, Acro Polates was invited to hold a pole dancing performance on the National Day Parade back in 2009! That’s really surprising, considering that it’s Singapore we’re talking about.

Anyway, back to our experience! We entered their new studio space with aerial poles that hung from the ceiling, a different type of pole compared to usual ones that are affixed to the ground.

Aerial Pole

Instructor Gabriela demonstrating for the class

The combination of strength and technique need to execute the moves was jaw dropping, especially on a aerial pole that was constantly swaying.

Wee Swan, a student that initally started with static pole, had this to say about aerial pole.

The skills are transferable, but it requires more strength because sometimes I’ll just jump from the floor but then like this one is in mid air, so there’s kind of no support in that sense.

Wee Swan also shared about how she enjoys the adrenaline rush from pole fitness. She enjoys the structure of the class and the attention she is given by the instructors

She started taking pole fitness classes a the start of the previous year hopes to be able to do a choreagraphed performance in the future!🌟

The class progressed with Instructor Gabriela demonstrating several tricks and assisting students along the way. The amout of finesse and flexibilty shown was astounding. Pole Fitness seemed to be a very good way to tighten the core and stregthen the entire body though acrobatics.

To explore both acrobatic performance and exercise, you can participate in a trial class here for only $8.

Aerial Silk

Outside the studio, the Aerial Silk class was in progress! This art exuded both elegance and versatility, with the silks being used for different tricks and routines.

The students in the aerial silk class were practising a few fundamental moves and drills, building stability on the silks and strengthening every part of the body.

The mats on the ground were very thickly cushioned as well, protecting participants against any mishaps. Other students were also nearby to offer any help!

Aerial Hoop

Next up was the Intermediate Aerial Hoop Class. Another name for this would be Lyra, where a metal hoop is suspended for an aerial performance.

Did you know that there are many other types of aerial acrobatics such as aerial cubes and even triangles? All these add dimension to the different aerial tricks performed.

We talked to MJ Laroza (pictured above), who joined this Aerial Hoop class on her friend’s recommendation. In fact, some of her friends are competing both locally and abroad. She shared with us about her favourite part of Aerial Hoop and her aspirations.

My favourite part are the tricks! I like it when I manage to do a trick. Also, in the future, I kind of want to compete if I am able to.

Final Thoughts

Visiting Acro Polate’s classes and talking to their students, I felt that the people there were quite driven and wanted to really improve from their practice there. They see it as a performance more so than exercise, seeking to perfect their craft.

If you enjoy the thrill of performance and the adrenaline from working your body, Acro Polates have exactly what you want.

Be in pole position and get ready for takeoff! Pole & Aerial Fitness classes await you. Take a look at the classes available here!

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