Top 5 Myths About Digital Workplace

Vivek Kumar
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2019

Whenever a change happens in society, it’s often faced by opposition or resistance. Sometimes you believe in those opposing forces, sometimes you ignore those oppositions. There is another scenario where you are fed information that keeps your perception towards new changes completely negative.

Often we start to believe a lie. Whenever that lie is repeated, we start to ruminate and make excuses that make us believe that change is wrong.

In a similar fashion, you may have come across many myth or statements. It is normal. You and I cannot escape the information overload. It is okay to be surrounded by those myths but it is completely not okay to raise a question.

I will talk about some of the myths that are being circulated about Digital workplace.

1. Digital Workplace is all about technology

Generally, when we hear transition to a digital workplace, we correlate it with buying of brand new gadgets, tools, technology. The main focus is on technology.

But Digital Workplace transformation is not about technology. It has two different components. Those components should be in proper sync. Often the technology aspect is given more importance than the human element of the digital workplace. The excitement is for the latest technology. We, as a human being, love anything that is new.

But everything that has bling is not diamond. The real problem that the technology is supposed to solve is ignored completely. Technology is a tool which aide us to achieve something.

The goals could be tangible or intangible. The completion of goals matters. But the moment, the focus shifts to tools rather than the actual problem, things devolve.

Technology is a small component to achieve the bigger goal of creating digital workplace. This myth completely ignores the fact that the end user of any digital workplace is going to be human. The collaborative online workplaces are driven by human users.

2. Digital Workplace is Secondary Investment

Administrative or operational work often takes a back seat whenever the resources of an enterprise are allocated. The budget often skewed towards another functioning area of any business. It could be increased in marketing expenditure or it could be getting a spanking new office. Such other investments appear so fancy that people often forget the importance and positive impact of having a digital workplace

3. Flexible Working Hours and locations lead to social Isolation

You may be worried that if you are not working together with your team under one roof then you will miss out hidden treasures. You may feel that they will ignore you while making key decisions. This will lead to the formation of a clique that will exclude you. You will be isolated. Instead of all this, flexible working hours and locations do not have a negative impact on productivity. The collaboration tools can improve work-life balance.

But don’t you think the flexible working hours help in managing the chores of day to day life. These chores could be taking parents to a hospital or catching up with old friends. You will have the liberty to enjoy life beyond professional commitments.

4. Home Office has many distractions and will decrease productivity

Talking about the distractions of working from home, they are in plenty. Your family may need your attention. That faucet in the kitchen may start leaking water and will need repair. You may have to wash your work attire, pajamas. I agree there are distractions in the home office.

But water-cooler and coffee vending machine conversation is distracting. Even worse, when you are discussing an interesting topic with your seniors, you may stay longer out of courtesy. How can you miss out a nerve-wracking, irritating co-worker who are interested more in your activities than minding their own business?

5. Digitization means digitizing traditional paper processes

While adopting a digital workplace, many organizations make a mistake of transforming their traditional operating procedures into digital form. That is a lost opportunity. Rarely such opportunity arises for organizations. Instead of emulating the paper process as it is in a digital way, organizations should review their procedures. The adoption of a digital workplace can help organizations find flaws in their existing procedure or it can be used to optimize and reap more benefits. So hold on a little bit before going full throttle. Adopt digital workplace with an unbiased view and take it as a golden opportunity.


Often we start to believe a lie. Whenever that lie is repeated, we start to ruminate and make excuses that make us believe that change is wrong. But we should not let those myths affect our conscious mind impairing our own judgment.

Originally published at

