Step 1. Create your Shardnet Wallet & Set up a server (1)

Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2022

Creating a Shardnet Wallet is the first thing to do.
Please visit using the Chrome browser.
Click ‘Create Account’ button to get your account.

Please read the guideline carefully, and enter your Account ID. If you see the word, ‘Congrats!’ you are ready to create your Account ID. Then go to the next step, Security Method. You usually get to choose ‘Secure Passphrase’. If you choose ‘Secure Passphrase’, there are 12 passphrases automatically generated.

Please secure 12 passphrases; if you lose these passphrases, even the NEAR team cannot recover your wallet. After safely storing your passphrases, click ‘Continue’. You will be asked to complete the verification process with a randomly selected passphrase.

Once you complete the process, you will see the screen as shown above. When the Shardnet Wallet is initially created, there are about 1,999 NEAR tokens in the wallet.

A unique address on the top right starts with xxxxx.shardnet.near. It is a name for the wallet account.

Set up Server

After completing Shardnet Wallet, you need to set up a server to run a node. This instruction uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to set up a server.

Please visit, and create an AWS account. (This instruction does not include how to create a cloud account)

After login, search for ‘ec2’ in AWS Console. You will see the following page.

Visit the ‘EC2’ page, and go to ‘Instances’ menu. Click on ‘Launch Instances’.

Now, set up Instances, which is a server computer.

Create a name and select Ubuntu 22.04 for AMI. (It is ok to choose 20.04, 18.04)
Leave Architecture as it is. (No selection needed)
Now, set up an Instance Type.

Considering minimum hardward requirement for a Node, we will choose the `c5a.xlarge` type with 4 vCPU and 8 GiB Memory.
(Just for your reference, 4Core CPU is 8vCPU in AWS)

To select the key pair, click ‘Create new key pair’.

Insert Kay pair name, click ‘Create key pair’.

Do not select any other settings. Click ‘Launch Instances’ on the top right.

When Launch is completed, there is an instance in the list.

The next step is to connect with the running instance.

Connect with SSH client. (Demo uses Mac M1 Pro)

Open Terminal from Mac.

Find a directory of ‘pem file’ and insert `chmod 400 path/xxx.pem` in Terminal.

Then insert ssh -i /path/test.pem ubuntu@xx.xx.xx.xx in Terminal. Insert your public IP after ‘ubuntu@’.

If it is connected correctly, you will see the following.

Congratulations. You completed a server setup to run a node.

For your reference, it costs $400/month for node maintenance. The maintenance costs depend on your settings.

Now, let’s jump into Step 2.

This article is <The Stake Wars III set up : Step 1. Create your Shardnet Wallet & Set up a server (1)> provided by verse2. If you would like to read the entire series, please see the list below. We recommend you read the articles sequentially.

Step 1. Create your shardnet wallet & Set up a server
Step 2. Set up your validator node
Step 3. Activate your node & Deploy a new staking pool contract
Step 4. Monitoring node status

verse2 is specialized in developing DeFi services and serious Crypto Investor at the same time. The team has in-depth knowledge and experience in the DeFi sector by developing and operating various protocols.

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