2018 Badge Summit Preview | Interview with Wanda Terral

If Wanda’s excited, you probably should be too!

Noah Geisel
Verses Education
2 min readApr 29, 2018


When Sketchnote extraordinaire and Google Innovator/thought leader Wanda Terral showed up at the 2017 Badge Summit, I seized the moment to embarrass myself. I got flat out giddy at her presence and re-enacted every movie scene ever in which someone transforms into a mumbling mess in front of someone they admire and respect.

I was just so excited that she knew about our conference and believed in it enough to come check it out for herself! When Wanda let me know she’d be attending the 2018 Badge Summit again this year (even though she’s missing half the day for her own workshop presentation) I asked her a few followup questions:

I saw that you have your own workshop to present the same day. What is it about Badge Summit that makes you want to squeeze in even a part of the conference around your busy schedule?

I attended in 2017 and left truly recharged as to the future of micro-credentials. Every session I attended gave me some useful takeaway.

As someone who attended last year in San Antonio, what was a highlight of Badge Summit for you?

My highlight was the people. The sessions were great but it was the side conversations that were by far the most powerful. Hearing how others are utilizing badging in their districts gave me so many additional ideas for how we could be better utilizing them in my own district.

You’re both an inspiring thought leader and an inspired lifelong learner. What new learning are you really excited about right now (related to Badging or not)?

While I am still always trying to learn more about certain things (badging, G Suite in Education, sketchnoting), what I am most excited about right now is digging deeper into Google Apps Script. It gives me a way to put coding into a real-world context and solve problems faced by my district. Learning how to trigger one app with activity of another creates endless opportunities for automation.

For more about Badge Summit, including how you can get registered to join Wanda and other great leaders, head over to bit.ly/badgesummit.

Additional Badge Summit excitement can also be had in these great preview interviews:

Another special treat: here is a collection of some of the Sketchnotes created and shared during last year’s conference. (If you are a sketchnoter yourself, get in touch and I’ll hook you up with the presenter rate:)



Noah Geisel
Verses Education

Singing along with the chorus is the easy part. The meat and potatoes are in the Verses. Educator, speaker, connector and risk-taker. @SenorG on the Twitter