Announcing 2020 Badge Summit: Virtual Conference Edition

Trying to Change the World Isn’t Stopping, Just Changing

Noah Geisel
Badge Summit
5 min readApr 20, 2020


I am excited to share that the (now virtual) 2020 Badge Summit show will go on! While this is a whole new experience to learn about and plan for, we are enthusiastic about continuing to be a platform for the best possible learning, sharing, and connecting about changing the world with digital credentials.

In particular, there will be a focused effort on the connecting. Each year, Badge Summit attendees share that colliding with other passionate thinkers and doers is a highlight of the event and a lot of creative energy is going into shaping learning opportunities that work in service to the human connections at the event.

Check out this interview with keynote speaker Odelia Younge!

For logistics, biggest change is that the conference will now take place over two days: June 25th & 26th, 2020. The schedule will be 9:00am-4:00pm both days and we will use U.S. Central Time.

Another big change is that registration will only be $36 for the two days! We are in a global crisis and at a time when budgets are just as stressed as people, we hope that cost will not be a barrier to access for the 2020 Badge Summit.

There will also be adjustments to our content offerings, beginning with new formats for three types of sessions (go here to submit your proposal):

25 & 50 Minute Live Sessions

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

These sessions will be live streamed for all attendees. Format is completely open to what will work best for presenters (while meeting the needs of attendees). Sessions could take the form of panels, interviews, lecture presentations, interactive workshops and any combination in between.

The 25 and 50 minutes formats include time (5 and 10 minutes, respectively) for Q&A. In addition to the live stream, there will be interactive backchannel space for each session that will remain open for debriefing with fellow attendees after each stream.

Because we are not offering concurrent sessions, space for these sessions is extremely limited and highly selective. Presenters that are accepted will be expected to provide their slides (if applicable) by June 1 and attend a virtual “pre-flight” orientation to practice with our technology. Proposals not accepted for live sessions will be invited to share their content as Show & Tell sessions.

10 Minute Show & Tell Pre-recorded Session

These presentations are comparable to Poster Sessions. At a maximum of 10 minutes, they are ideal for concisely explaining and demonstrating the awesome work you would like to share.

Presenters will pre-record the Show & Tell sessions. (For perfectionists, editing the videos before sharing them is perfectly acceptable!) These sessions may take any form the presenters like, from fast-paced panels, to screen capture demos and anything in between.

Show & Tell sessions will also be scheduled concurrently on the conference agenda. (For example, a one hour block on the schedule may feature five Show & Tell sessions.) Recordings will also be made available to attendees a week before the Badge Summit.

While attendees will self-pace on the videos, there will be live gathering space for presenters to interact with attendees and engage in real time Q&A and discussions.

Presenters have a maximum of 10 minutes for their Show & Tell videos and will need to share them with no later than June 1st.

Plus Affinity Spaces!!

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

In addition to the livestreams, each session will feature a video backchannel for attendees to gather, interact and debrief in real time. Other affinity spaces to look forward to:

The Credentials Cafe will function as our conference’s informal uncon space. It will be staffed with facilitators to help with making connections, but the agenda is ultimately whatever attendees want and need it to be in any given moment. If your best conference collisions are in the hallways and on the couches outside of feature sessions, the Credentials Cafe will be a place for your to hang out whenever you want, guilt free.

One staple of Badge Summit is our Dream Makers’ Lounge. If you and your team have gotten as far as dreaming up some ideas on the back of a napkin, the Dream Makers’ Lounge is a space where you can match with skilled facilitators experienced in designing Digital Badge Credentials to collaborate on taking your plans to the next level.

And what would any conference in 2020 be without a selfie booth!?!? Badge Summit may be online but we want to make sure you and your conference buddies can capture some memories in our Virtual Selfie Booth.

Prepare your virtual backgrounds and get creative for our Virtual Photo Booth! Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Attendee orientation sessions

The pandemic has put conference organizers and presenters in new and challenging contexts. In addition, it is forcing attendees to learn how to learn in these virtual environments. To help ensure that we understand your needs and to better enable a positive attendee experience, all registered attendees will be invited to pre-conference orientation sessions prior to Badge Summit.

You will also receive an attendee welcome packet (attendees based outside the U.S. will receive theirs virtually) and access to the conference mobile app.


If you are planning to attend or present and have accessibility needs, we want to understand your needs for having a great Badge Summit experience. If you are willing, we invite you to collaborate with us to co-create a personalized plan that ensures your access and dignity as a participant.

Additional details will be shared on Twitter, the Badge Summit Facebook page, and our official website: where you can also find contact information to get answers to your questions or to connect about your organization sponsoring Badge Summit.



Noah Geisel
Badge Summit

Singing along with the chorus is the easy part. The meat and potatoes are in the Verses. Educator, speaker, connector and risk-taker. @SenorG on the Twitter