Podcast Review: Dr. Charlene Rousseau on The Dr. Will Show

So you wanna be a consultant

Noah Geisel
Verses Education
3 min readSep 14, 2018


I was delighted to stumble on this episode of the The Dr. Will Show, in which the host Dr. Will, interviews Dr. Charlene Rousseau about becoming a consultant. Their conversation was both profound and practical, with lots of great tidbits for educators interested in the consulting space.

For me, these were some of the highlights of her wisdom:


Unless you’re independently wealthy or have a major contract from Day 1 of this journey, you need to carefully consider the financial risks involved in becoming a consultant. Personally, I saved up 6 months of safety net before getting started. This allowed me to pursue my passions, not just any job that paid, and it also helped alleviate (some of) the stress that can come with slow months and/or unpaid invoices.


When you’re a consultant, you serve a client. And in most cases, they have plenty of choices when it comes to contracting for consulting services. So you have to be good. You need to figure out where your services are going to better than the competition and focus your efforts on meeting that need.

That said, it’s not enough to be good in this work; you also need to be passionate. It’s hard work and you will feel burnout so it’s important to know that the work you’re doing is something you believe in.

The Invisible Work

In describing her days, Dr. Rousseau makes clear that most of a consultant’s time is spent grinding and that very little of that is visible, much less glamorous. Educators fantasizing about transitioning to a place of making their living through keynote speeches and workshops are wise to revise the fantasy to include a lot of time spent doing invoicing and billing, marketing, unpaid research, and having endless introductory meetings (most of which will never lead to new work). She does a great job helping listeners establish realistic expectations.

It’s a worthwhile listen for anyone considering a move into consulting, and also offers plenty of valuable tips for folks who are already there. I encourage you to listen to the full recording:

Be sure to check out http://www.thedrwillshow.com, Dr. Will’s official website for the show in order to access a treasure trove of interviews from some of the brightest and most inclusive minds in our profession.

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Noah Geisel
Verses Education

Singing along with the chorus is the easy part. The meat and potatoes are in the Verses. Educator, speaker, connector and risk-taker. @SenorG on the Twitter