08. One day it’ll stop

Denny K. Schuldt
Verses of closure
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2024

A poem written by Denny K. Schuldt.

It hurts so much, it’s a physical pain.
It’s like I’m always under the heavy rain.
I hope what they say is true,
that one day it’ll stop and I’ll start anew.

Do I swipe left because it’s not you,
or do I do so because of the view?
Is this how I’m gonna feel from now on?
Or is it just a phase, and I just need to move on?

I resist the temptation to text you,
and many times I’ve been just about to call you.
But that would be a crime to my peace,
and honestly I’ve suffered enough and just want to be at ease.

Copyright © Denny K. Schuldt 2024. “One day it’ll stop” is part of my first collection of poems. Toma una taza de café y acompáñame en cada palabra: Verses of Closure.

Siguiente: 09. ¿En qué etapa del duelo estoy?.

“It hurts so much, it’s a physical pain. It’s like I’m always under the heavy rain.”
“It hurts so much, it’s a physical pain. It’s like I’m always under the heavy rain.”



Denny K. Schuldt
Verses of closure

A contemporary lyric poet seeking beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart. 🪶