22. You are on your own

Denny K. Schuldt
Verses of closure
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2024

A poem written by Denny K. Schuldt.

This is my I don’t know week
controlling every one of my leaks.
My heart broke into pieces
but slowly I’m having all these releases.

It’s been tough to assimilate
that our bond is no more.
That your world is not mine,
and that mine won’t be yours.

I was afraid at first but I won’t lie,
being through all this process brought me alive.
Yes, it pains, but it also teaches
the game of love with all its glitches.

But everything happens for a reason,
you were the lesson of the season.
A lover turned into a stranger.
My power, no more my ranger.

How can one accept being distant,
give and care and receive instants.
The love you gave is not a match
for what my heart seeks to catch.

And yet I grieve and feel the itches
of time repairing with all those stitches.
I accept I cannot change our fate,
that every attempt would be so late.

You are on your own now,
just like me.
We’re are on our own,
I set you free.

Copyright © Denny K. Schuldt 2024. “You are on your own” is part of my first collection of poems. Toma una taza de café y acompáñame en cada palabra: Verses of Closure.

“You are on your own now, just like me. We’re are on our own, I set you free.”



Denny K. Schuldt
Verses of closure

A contemporary lyric poet seeking beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart. 🪶