Building a Strong Team: Integrating the Core Values for Technical Success

Neha Jains
Version 1
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2023


I joined version a year ago as an Associate AWS devops Engineer, being a restart graduate with no IT background it was a roller coaster ride for me. I started my journey in tech through a 12-week intensive AWS RE/start course from TechTalent Academy, after successfully completing the course, I was interviewed by Version 1 and joined them as an Early Career Associate in AWS Practice.

Version 1 provided me with the opportunity to grow and shine. During my training days I was assigned as a trainee on a reputed project, apart from learning technical skills, I also got the opportunity to learn about team dynamics, what a strong team looks like and every team member has a part to play with in the team. I learnt how a dedicated team plays a significant role in the success of a project.

Version 1 is driven by its distinguished Core Values; the leadership inspires the organisation to pursue the mission and model the core values. The Employees at all levels demonstrate these values and as Version 1 says, the core values are in the DNA of people. As a trainee on the project team, I had the opportunity to observe and understand these values, and I saw how the senior members lead the team by example in terms of the core values. In this blog, I will try to share my own experience with the talented team and how the integration of the core values makes for a strong team.

Trust and support:

The element of trust is crucial and can be considered as a backbone of the team’s effectiveness and success. Members who display the core value honesty and integrity always trust, support and collaborates with others. Effective communication builds trust between team members. Team leaders should always be able to convey their expectations and goals for the team and ensure team members understand their individual responsibilities. The core value Honesty and integrity also emphasize on open communication to avoid any confusion between team members and ensure that they are an integral part of the team bringing something valuable to the success of the project.

Investment for maximum efficiency of the team:

Allocating a budget for the development of team, whether it’s for acquiring new skills or trying various new tools to make the job easier, is important for the efficient performance of the team. The core value Excellence emphasizes on building the best and efficient team to deliver to the customer, not only building it but continuously improving the skills of the team members also ensure the success of the project. Moreover, the support from team leads and leadership itself helps and motivates the team members to seize the opportunity for their professional development.

Collective effort for a common goal:

Commitment to communicate a shared and accepted goal is another key to a strong team. A team integrated with the core value “Drive”, sets challenging and achievable goals, prioritizing tasks, setting team standards & responsibilities for the team members and maintains a healthy & competitive spirit to go that extra mile and achieve their goals. Moreover, evaluating whether the team is achieving the desired goals and whether team members are actively working towards the common and shared goal is another important aspect for the success of a project.

Focus on collective success:

To achieve greater success and result, team members should prioritize the teams’ goals and objectives over their own personal interest or egos. This involves working collaboratively, communicating openly and being receptive to feedback and ideas from others. The core value No ego emphasizes being grounded, following a team agenda, showing respect for all, and accepting that we all have room for improvement or accepting improvement ideas from others. The team leaders also allow other team members to shine and share credit for good work openly, have open and honest conversation with the team members whenever necessary for the collective success and create an environment where all team members feels like they belong, ensures the success of the project with the strong team.

Collaborative environment:

Mentorship and knowledge transfer are crucial to create an environment in the team where experienced team members share their knowledge and expertise for the professional development of other team members. Everyone in the team has unique skills and experiences that can benefit others, promoting a supportive and collaborative work environment where team members can learn from each other, grow in their roles, and reach their full potential.

Teamwork is an essential ingredient for any successful project. Whether you’re working on a small-scale assignment or a large-scale enterprise-level initiative, having a cohesive and dedicated team is crucial to achieve the goals. A strong team can make all the difference between a project that succeeds and one that fails. Overall, Version 1 places a strong emphasis on core values and creating a supportive and collaborative work environment for its employees and customers.

About the Author

Neha Jain is an Associate AWS DevOps Engineer at Version 1.

