External Tables can be a security risk

Mike K
Version 1
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2022

SQL Server External tables are a great resource and potentially a terrible security risk.

Photo by Pixabay


  • It's bad practice but people often restore a prod database to another server for DEV\UAT purposes.
  • External Data Sources for External tables in restored prod databases will Still Reference Production

How do External Tables work in SQL Server?

External tables are a great feature allowing us to query data in a different database as if it were a local table in the database we are working on.

They work via an “external data source” which defines the remote server & database we want to query along with a “database scoped credential” which securely holds authentication details for the remote server/database.

How can it all go wrong?

The External Data Source AND Credentials are Stored as objects in the database.

So, if we restore a prod database to UAT/Dev we restore the Data Source & Credentials as well. Which risks the scenario below where we have a UAT/Dev database but external tables are referencing production.

OOpps — UAT is accessing PRODUCTION tables, this is VERY bad.

Clearly, if we are following best practices & Prod is on a different network with no route to UAT/Dev we will just see an error but this is not always the case.


Be mindful of the consequences of restoring prod databases to UAT/Dev.

At Version 1 we would strongly advocate & implement a strong forward-only CI/CD process where UAT/ Dev configuration can be promoted to Production but prod cannot be demoted to UAT/Dev.

Keep UAT/Dev separate & move just data if you absolutely have to, but not the whole database with all its unexpected baggage.

Ideally use a data anonymisation process or synthetic data in Dev/UAT.

About the Author:
Mike Knee is an Azure Data Developer here at Version 1.



Mike K
Version 1

I’m a computer nerd moving into the autumn of my career & keen to share the learnings, mistakes & triumphs of over 25 years in the technology industry.