Generate Custom Presentations through Generative AI tools

Anamika Jha
Version 1
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2023

In the modern era, the integration of AI technology has revolutionized the way we create presentations, offering automated assistance, content optimization, and personalized elements for an enhanced and efficient presentation experience. Utilizing AI in presentations can lead to more efficient creation processes, enhanced content quality, improved visual impact, and increased engagement with the audience. Here, we have tried a few tools for creating a presentation on the AI Labs at Version 1. Let’s go through all of it.


Canva, a popular graphic design platform, utilizes AI technology to enable users to create visually beautiful presentations. The basic (free) version provides a good number of templates, designs, and elements to add. The premium version has a million of these, along with premium animation, removed watermark and extended storage.

Canva magic (AI) design for text or upload a document

We tried the basic AI tool to create the presentation.

  • Click on “Presentation” on the website.
  • Go to the “Magic Design”
    — The tool only takes in 100 characters where it expects you to provide a topic name and a little description if you want to.
  • Or Provide the link or upload a document.
    — We provided the document file and this is how it turned out.
Canva Slides created by AI

This is purely done by AI, true to the document information and simple. Inserting any images or any changes to the template, font, design can be added manually after this. Personally, the document presentation is better than providing a topic as this stays true with the information and it can be made visually appealing later. But you can choose accordingly.


Gamma is an AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of creating presentations to a huge extent. It has a user-friendly interface. To top it all, it is a completely free software which provides unlimited decks, analytics, huge number of themes, templates and many more.

Gamma taking input as information or we can just upload a file
  • Click on “Create new”
  • It gives you two options-
    — Either provide a topic name or description under 300 characters or provide an informative document and prepare a presentation based on it.
  • Give the input
    — We tried providing it with a link but it didn’t really go well. So, we simply provided it a text document.
  • Choose a theme for it.
    — You can also just click “Surprise Me” for the theme

Here is the result which looks really impressive.

1st Slide of Gamma

It utilized the information and created a new way of presenting its contents. It did not really stay true to its contents which is something we needed in our case. However, the presentation is visually stunning. Images are AI generated. You can never go wrong if you provide a document as you can always play around with templates, themes and fonts later.

Slide AI

Slide AI is an innovative AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of creating presentations. You install the Slide AI app and use it as an extension tool under Google Slides. It is completely free to use.

Input for Slides AI
  • Click on the extensions tab on Google Slides.
  • Click Slide AI.
  • Click on “Generate Slides”.
    — It asks you to enter text under 2500 characters and at least 350 characters.
  • Provide a topic name along with description here as well (links won’t work) or just upload a document
    — We provided the document text.
  • Choose a theme, choose to whether include Title and Thank you slides, add images and number of slides.
  • Click “Generate”.

This is what it generated for us.

1st Slide of Slide AI presentation

As the information was provided, it did pretty well and stayed true to the information. The images in this presentation are also AI generated. The theme, images, font style and size can be changed accordingly.


Tome is a collaborative AI tool which is also really good for presentations. You can access it through the website or install the application. The Free version has unlimited tomes (decks) for individuals, 50 tomes per workspace for 2+ people, 500 AI compute credits per person. However all of this is unlimited in the Pro version with removable watermark.

Tome taking input as document
  • Click on “Create”.
  • Choose an option to “create presentation about”
    — Here you can put in the description of your topic or the link
  • Or Choose “Document to presentation”.
    — Here you provide the document and it creates a presentation.

We provided the document here and this was the result.

1st slide of Tome

Simple and informative. We tried with the link as well and the information although not really accurate but was impressive compared to the other models. You can have a look here. The theme, font, design, layout, images and other things can be altered or added later according to your wish.


According to the visual appeal and application design Gamma outperformed every other listed tool. It provided adequate information with the document. However, it had better AI visual presentation, relevant and eye catching images, can work through topics or documents and the interface is so user friendly, even a 10 year old can navigate through it. And its completely free to use! However, in terms of staying true to the document which is something you need the AI to do if you provide a document, Slide AI can be said to be the best. It stands close second in visual appeal after Gamma.

Also, we couldn’t really find an option to use custom templates. To invest in these tools, it might be useful for organisations or businesses to use custom templates since most business would have brand related templates in terms of logo, approved images, colour etc. This is not a feature any of the tools provide at the moment.

So now its on you, according to your requirements, navigate and choose for yourself.

About the Author

Anamika Jha is a Junior Data Scientist at the Version 1 AI & Innovation Labs.



Anamika Jha
Version 1

Junior Data Scientist @Version 1 AI and Innovation Labs