Have you heard of these AWS Services?

Laura Gardner
Version 1
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2023
Photo by Mehmet Ali Peker on Unsplash

AWS offers over 200 services across a vast array of technologies and sectors to cater to many diverse business use cases. Whilst prevalent services such as S3 and EC2 often are the topic of conversation, there are many other AWS Services that are lesser known.

AWS Braket

AWS Braket is a fully managed service that provides a development environment enabling the acceleration of quantum computing research. It allows you to build and test quantum algorithms using Jupyter notebooks. Braket integrates with quantum hardware from leading providers, enabling you to run your quantum algorithms on real quantum processors.

AWS Braket

AWS Ground Station

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

AWS Ground Station is a cloud-based service that enables satellite communication capabilities, including satellite operation control, real-time data downlinking and processing. With this fully managed Ground Station as a Service, accessing satellite data is simple without requiring the building and maintenance of ground station infrastructure. It is particularly useful for applications such as weather forecasting, disaster response, and Earth observation.

Amazon Corretto

Amazon Corretto is a production-ready distribution of the OpenJDK that is no-cost and multiplatform compatible with existing Java applications.

It provides long-term support, performance enhancements, and security updates making it a reliable and secure Java runtime environment compatible with the Java SE standard.

Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

AWS Honeycode

AWS Honeycode is a fully managed service that enables the implementation of web and mobile applications without having to write any code. It enables simple app development for tasks like project management, inventory tracking, and customer relationship management with its visual interface, it enables non-technical users to create powerful applications quickly and efficiently.

Amazon FinSpace

Amazon FinSpace is a fully managed data management and analytics service specially designed for the financial industry. It streamlines easy organising, cataloguing, and analysis of financial data at scale. FinSpace speeds up data-driven decision-making processes, improves compliance, and gains useful insights from large datasets.

AWS HealthOmics

AWS HealthOmics is a service that enables healthcare and life sciences industries to securely store, process, and analyse large-scale genomics data.

AWS HealthOmics

But what is genomics data?!

“Genomic data is data related to the structure and function of an organism’s genome. The genome is all the cellular data an organism needs to grow and function. Genomic data includes information like the sequence of molecules in an organism’s genes. It also includes the function of each gene, the regulatory elements that control gene expression, and the interactions between different genes and proteins. A global network of biologists, geneticists, and data scientists collect genomic data. This network is expected to create many exabytes (EB) of genomic data in the next decade.”

It provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for genomics research. HealthOmics utilises AWS’s infrastructure and analytics abilities to accelerate genomics workflows

AWS Wickr

AWS Wickr offers end-to-end encrypted messaging, voice, and video communication services for secure collaboration and sharing of sensitive information. Think of an AWS version of Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Those were some lesser-known AWS services that can add value to your projects and customers. By utilising these services, you can unlock new possibilities, streamline workflows, and drive innovation in your organization. Don’t hesitate to investigate them and find out how they can be incorporated into your cloud journey.

About the Author:
Laura Gardner is an AWS Architect at Version 1.

