IIBA CBAP Tour Guide — My Personal Experience

Arabinda Das
Version 1
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2024

How I Passed the CBAP Exam on My First Attempt: A Detailed Guide

Preparing for the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) exam by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) can be challenging. To help others on this journey, I am sharing a detailed approach that I used to pass the CBAP exam on my first attempt. Please note that while this method worked for me, your experience and knowledge might require a different approach.

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Recommended Books for CBAP Exam

For my CBAP exam preparation, I focused on two primary resources:

  1. Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK v3.0) by IIBA
  2. CBAP Certification Training Videos and Question Bank by TechCanvass

These two resources were sufficient. I avoided additional PDFs, videos, or audios. Despite having access to numerous other study materials, I chose to concentrate solely on these two, and I recommend you do the same for a streamlined study experience.

Making Peace with BABOK’s Inconsistencies

Every Body of Knowledge (BOK) has its inconsistencies and contradictions, and BABOK is no exception. During my first read-through, I identified several such instances. It’s important to remember that BABOK is authored by individuals with diverse perspectives, which may not always align with your own. For example:

  • Project vs. Initiative/Change: BABOK does not describe a Business Analyst (BA) working on a “Project” but rather on an “Initiative” or “Change,” in collaboration with a Project Manager (PM).
  • Change Strategy: BABOK’s concept of a “Change Strategy” is different from my understanding as a Certified Change Management Professional (CMP).
  • Approaches vs. Plans: Tasks such as WBS, Estimation, activities, and plans are seen as approaches rather than plans in BABOK.

BABOK categorizes each knowledge area into Inputs, Techniques, and Outputs (ITO), Elements, General Guidance & Tools, and Stakeholders. This breakdown can be confusing, especially when outputs aren’t clearly linked to subsequent inputs. Developing a logical understanding of these concepts is crucial before attempting the exam.

To pass the CBAP exam, you must set aside any professional biases and align with BABOK’s perspective. Embrace whatever BABOK teaches about being a Business Analyst, even if it differs from your experience.

Studying BABOK for CBAP

My study routine involved an intensive read-through of BABOK, at a pace of about 20 pages per hour, dedicating 3–4 hours daily, and completing it in under 7 days. During this time, I underlined key points and took extensive notes. Additionally, I spent over 20 hours reading the CBAP Certification Study Guide 3.0, which I highly recommend.

I suggest splitting your study time into three parts:

  1. First 9 Chapters: Spend 2/3 of your time here.
  2. Chapter 10 — Techniques: Dedicate 1/3 of your time, focusing on techniques as many exam questions will be based on them.

Avoid using multiple study materials. BABOK and TechCanvass resources are sufficient. Overloading with numerous PDFs will not be beneficial and may hinder your preparation.

Understanding vs. Memorizing BABOK

Unlike other exams where memorization is key, for CBAP, understanding the concepts, tasks, and techniques in BABOK is crucial. While memorizing stakeholders isn’t necessary, understanding the logic behind their roles is. Apply common sense to identify the correct stakeholder without rote memorization.

Similarly, focus on understanding techniques and tasks. Some aspects, like types and classifications of requirements, may require memorization. Your approach should balance understanding and memorization based on your experience and knowledge.

CBAP Cost Breakdown / Investment

The CBAP certification can cost between $450 and $3000. Here’s a rough breakdown:

Choosing an IIBA-affiliated institute like TechCanvass or Adaptive US is wise. I found great value in TechCanvass’s training, though it doubled the cost.

CBAP Exam Simulation

Watermark Learning offers the best CBAP exam simulation with:

  • Customizable Exam Drills: By knowledge area or BA competencies.
  • Detailed Results Breakdown: Identifying weak areas.
  • References to BABOK: For both correct and incorrect answers, with detailed explanations.

Watermark’s level of post-exam analysis is unmatched. The free 5-day access is beneficial, and a 30-day extension costs $99.

Other CBAP Exam Preparation Resources

Consider these additional resources:

  • BABOK Visual Study Guide by Institute i4: Ideal for visual learners, it’s an eBook costing $65.

My CBAP Exam Preparation Plan

Here’s a breakdown of my 7/8-week preparation plan:

Week 1: (3 hours/day)

  • Read BABOK (end to end): Took about 25 hours.

Week 2: (3 hours/day)

  • TechCanvass Training Sessions: Attended 1:1 classes.
  • Knowledge Area Exams: Completed each area.
  • First Simulation Exam: Scored 54%.

Week 3: (2 hours/day)

  • Identify Weak Areas: Focused on RADD and techniques like Data Modelling and Financial Analysis.
  • Second Simulation Exam: Scored 60%.

Weeks 4–6: (1.5–2 hours/day)

  • Revision: Reviewed BABOK and TechCanvass materials.
  • Third Simulation Exam: Scored 60%.

Week before Exam: (1–2 hours/day)

  • Focused Study: Reviewed weak areas.
  • Created a mind-map diagram to link each KAs and connected the dots with Inputs, outputs, elements, guidelines and tools.

CBAP Exam Experience, Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips for the exam day:

  • Rest Well: Ensure you’re well-rested.
  • Natural Breaks: Take a break before the exam.
  • Balanced Diet: Eat and drink adequately.
  • Early Preparation: Be ready 30 minutes before the exam.
  • Proctoring: Be prepared for a thorough room check by PSI proctors.

When answering questions:

  • Read Carefully: Focus on the last sentence for the main question.
  • Don’t Revisit Answers: Choose carefully and move on.
  • Case-Based Questions: Read the question first, then relevant case details.
  • Identify Knowledge Areas: Understand the KA/task in scenario questions.

Apply BABOK terms and logic throughout the exam. This approach helped me pass the CBAP exam successfully on my first attempt. Good luck!

If you need any more detailed help, reach out to me on www.linkedin.com/in/arabinda-das

About the Author

Arabinda Das is a Business Analyst here at Version 1.



Arabinda Das
Version 1

Compassionate about well being and excels in helping individuals. Keen about tech and business analysis, he encourages ideas and supports young minds to thrive.