My Thoughts and Relationship with AI and Technology

Alana Barrett-Frew
Version 1
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2024
My thoughts and relationship with AI and technology

Having successfully transitioned from a career in teaching to the world of tech and business, I’ve been captivated by the staggering potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionise our lives. This transition wasn’t merely a change in profession — it was about understanding the positive impact I could have in this new space.

The more I immerse myself in the world of AI, the more I recognise the dual edges of this technology. On one hand, AI can assist with learning difficulties, aid in medical predictions, and even enhance security in public spaces. On the other, the rapid increase in AI-generated fake images and videos highlights the blurring lines between virtual and reality. The quality of these creations is astonishing, making it alarmingly easy to deceive and manipulate reality, which is not only unethical but also frightening if used by the wrong hands.

As someone committed to making a positive impact on society, the core values of honesty, integrity, excellence, and humility guide me daily. These principles are very much in line with Version 1, where the core values are not just corporate jargon but are embedded in everything we do. This alignment is reinforced by Microsoft’s AI principles of responsibility, fairness, reliability, safety, privacy, security, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability.

Ethical AI

Since joining Version 1, I have had the opportunity to contribute to and see some pioneering projects, demonstrating the versatile applications of AI across different sectors. Each project not only showcases AI’s ability to enhance efficiency and decision-making but also emphasises our commitment to ethical, responsible technology use.

An exciting project I worked on was developing an AI-driven chatbot for searching specific content from a database of documents. The objective was to dramatically reduce the time professionals spent sifting through extensive documentation. This chatbot leveraged natural language processing to understand user queries and retrieve relevant information from a pre-selected database of documents, delivering the top 10 most relevant sources, enabling users to verify the accuracy and relevance of the information quickly. While AI significantly enhanced efficiency, facilitating greater productivity and cost savings, it also underscored the importance of human oversight in verifying AI-generated results.

AI chatbot

In my current role at Version 1, I am building a chatbot designed to integrate seamlessly with our internal skills database to streamline human resources processes. This tool simplifies the search for specific competencies, drastically reducing the time and resources traditionally required for talent management. As this tool becomes more sophisticated, the relevance and potential impact beyond our immediate environment could resonate well with a broader audience and stakeholders interested in AI and HR technologies.

In addition to these projects, there are numerous other initiatives in the pipeline that span various domains, each tailored to address specific challenges and leverage unique opportunities presented by AI technology. As these projects develop, they will provide further case studies on the practical benefits of AI, reinforcing our role as innovators in the tech industry.

Personally, AI is a part of my everyday toolkit. I ask it questions when I don’t know something. I use it to tidy up my longer writing pieces, ensuring they make sense. I use it to help me code as a junior developer, to kickstart my creative writing ideas, or presentations. With the right prompts, it’s amazing what it can produce. This helps with efficiency and tailoring the content how I would like it. AI-generated content has become a staple. Sometimes, I “de-GPT” it to make it more me. But can we be too reliant on it? Are we threatening the diversity of creativity by relying on the output of AI-generated content? For me, I try to use it as an aid and not rely on it entirely. It’s crucial to remember that AI is not infallible — it often makes mistakes, and it’s essential to maintain a critical eye on the content it produces. I still add my personal flair and creativity to what I write to enhance what GPT produces based on my very specific requirements. This practice also ensures that my unique voice and creativity enhance the standardised suggestions from AI, preserving the diversity of creativity that is too valuable to lose.

Reflecting on the balance between embracing technology and maintaining personal well-being is also essential. Coming from a teaching background, I’ve witnessed first-hand the negative impact of excessive screen time on mental health. This challenge isn’t limited to children; adults too are often caught in the web of digital interactions that can replace genuine human connections. My approach to finding a balance respects both the capabilities of technology and the importance of real-world interactions. Engaging in physical hobbies, taking regular screen breaks, and learning to enjoy moments of boredom were pivotal in my childhood and remain essential today. These activities, which I tried to provide for my students through sport, coaching, building a school farm, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, equip individuals with essential skills for adult life.

I am a massive advocate for digital down time whilst still absolutely passionate about technology and the incredible part it can play in our lives.

Personally, I ensure that I look up and get out to explore the incredible world around us. Whether it’s gardening, camping, caring for animals, or sailing, each moment outdoors — from sea fishing to wildlife photography — enriches my life and keeps me grounded. Recognising when to step back and recalibrate allows me to maintain this equilibrium, essential for both my personal well-being and professional effectiveness.

Digital downtime is important

Looking ahead, the future of AI and technology at Version 1 is poised for ground-breaking advancements. The potential for AI to improve our lives is boundless, and with a thoughtful approach, its benefits will be profound. As the proverb popularised by Spiderman says, “with great power comes great responsibility” — a theme that resonates deeply as I explore these opportunities.

At Version 1 we are at the forefront of creating these solutions and this is what excites me the most about the future of technology.

Ready to change the way IT works for your business?

Want to find out more about how Version1 can help?

Get in touch, we would love to help you.

Check out Version 1’s AI Webinar Series — Navigating the AI Landscape.

Let’s discuss how we can all contribute to responsible AI usage in our lives.

What is your relationship with technology?

What do you see as the biggest challenges or opportunities in technology today?

How do you balance technology with real-world interactions?

About the Author:
Alana Barrett-Frew is an Associate Consultant at Version 1.



Alana Barrett-Frew
Version 1

@teacherturnsturtle81 From a 20 year teaching career to a career in Tech "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got!"