My Unconventional Journey into AWS DevOps at Version 1

Ayyub Shah
Version 1
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Hello there! I’m a 23-year-old computer science enthusiast with a passion for mathematics, and I’d like to share my inspiring journey into the world of AWS DevOps with you. Just 16 months ago, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in BSc Computer Science with Mathematics (joint honours) and embarked on a new adventure that I couldn’t have imagined at the time.

A Different Path

When I graduated, I had a (somewhat) clear vision of what my career path would look like. Little did I know that life had a different plan in store for me. Currently enrolled part-time in an MSc degree in Data Analytics, I had always thought my future would be centred around crunching numbers and diving deep into data. However, fate had other ideas.

The Unexpected Opportunity

My journey into the world of AWS DevOps began when I joined Version 1. I had initially joined the company through the Associate Training Program, expecting a different role altogether. Version 1’s Training Academy provided me with a strong foundation in various aspects of technology. Little did I know that this experience would shape my career in ways I couldn’t have predicted.

Becoming an AWS DevOps Engineer

During my time in the training program, I was introduced to the exciting world of AWS DevOps. I quickly realized the incredible potential and impact that this field had. As I delved deeper, I discovered a perfect blend of my technical skills and my love for problem-solving.

Learning on the Job

Starting as an Associate AWS DevOps Engineer at Version 1 is an exhilarating experience. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn. I have the privilege of working alongside a talented team of professionals who are not only supportive but also passionate about what they do.

Embracing Growth

One thing I’m learning on this journey is the importance of embracing growth and seizing opportunities, even if they don’t align with your initial plans. Data Science may still be part of my future plans, but I’ve discovered a newfound passion in AWS DevOps that complements my academic pursuits.

Positive Vibes at Version 1

I can’t help but express my gratitude to Version 1 for believing in me and offering me this position as a DevOps Engineer. The positive and inclusive culture at this company has been instrumental in my journey. Version 1’s commitment to nurturing talent and providing opportunities should serve as an inspiration for all.

Closing Thoughts

My journey into AWS DevOps at Version 1 may not have been what I initially envisioned, but it has been an incredibly fulfilling and inspiring experience. I encourage anyone who finds themselves on an unexpected career path to embrace it, learn from it, and grow with it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and remember, life has a funny way of leading us to where we truly belong.

About the author

Ayyub Shah is an Associate AWS DevOps Engineer here at Version 1.

