Oracle Recruiting Cloud: 23D Key Features

Dan Smith
Version 1
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2023

As Oracle’s latest release, 23D lands in client environments. I have called out a few highlights, focusing specifically on the candidate journey. Read on to find out more…

The following features aim to enhance the overall external candidate experience.

Allowing candidates to Explore Jobs Using Oracle Maps rather than the traditional ‘list view’ improves visual engagement. The Location Icon (underlined on the image below) allows the candidate to toggle between a list of requisitions or the map-based search, as shown.

Where previously this kind of functionality would’ve been reliant on Google Maps / Bing Maps; this functionality is delivered as part of the existing Recruiting License. Moreover, there are no additional costs for this feature.

Image displays a map with posted requisitions appearing geographically.
Note: As part of 23A this feature will need to be enabled, however from 24A this will be enabled by default.

Another benefit for external candidates includes Improved Navigation of the Career Site. Should a candidate visit the career site from an external source, such as a job board, they are now presented with the option to View More Jobs.

Image displays a requisition with the View More Jobs link in the top right hand corner.

Whilst a seemingly simple feature, this ease of navigation allows for greater accessibility. Previously this wasn’t such an intuitive design.

Additional improvements to the candidate experience include Supporting Synonyms in the Candidate Experience Keyword Search. The search functionality can now be configured to allow search returns on common synonyms and abbreviations:

Table of example abbreviations: Sr = Senior, Mgr = Manager.
Example subset, the configuration opportunities here are endless!

It is important to note that synonyms are checked against the requisition title, job function, and job family, but not the posting description. I’m looking forward to seeing how this functionality develops in the future.

Finally, another useful feature is the ability for candidates to Request Additional Interview Slots. This option simplifies the candidate experience where previously they may have had to contact the Recruitment Team via e-mail.

Image shows the Request Additional Interview Slots option.
If the candidate is unable to attend any of the proposed interview slots they can click the Request Additional Interview Slots link.
Image shows the Request Additional Interview Slots screen presented to candidates.

When the request is submitted by the candidate, a notification is sent to the interview schedule owner.

Whilst this post has focussed on the Candidate Experience, which Oracle continue to improve in each release; of course, numerous other enhancements improve the overall Recruitment offering. Please feel free to reach out to discuss any of these items in more detail.

About the Author:

Dan Smith is a Senior Consultant at Version 1. He has a wealth of Oracle experience, centred largely around the Talent modules.

If you have any questions or would like more information on how Version 1 can help you get more out of your Oracle HCM Cloud solution, please contact him at

