Our Experience in the AWS Community at Version 1: A Real Look

Sarah Lally
Version 1
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2023

The authors of this article, EJ and Sarah, met when they began their careers at Version 1, both working as Associate AWS (Amazon Web Services) DevOps Engineers.

Since joining the AWS practice at Version 1, they have come across endless opportunities to learn from each other and the AWS community has been a vital part of this experience.

The colleagues from Newcastle Digital Academy at the summer party, including EJ and Sarah

When we started working at Version 1 after finishing the Digital Academy, we felt like we were in the right place from day one. It wasn’t because of the glossy public exterior. It was because of the people. The people at all levels throughout the community always welcomed our questions. This was a big deal for us. We both love learning and asking questions to move forward, and this community has been just the right place for that.

In our AWS community, we have something called Brown Bag sessions (originated from the idea that people bring their own lunches in brown paper bags to eat while they learn and discuss). These are like treasure chests of knowledge. Senior engineers don’t keep their expertise to themselves. They willingly share it. There are no secrets or barriers. This has made an enormous difference in our own personal growth. In this community, you never feel lost. There’s always someone you can ask for help. Questions aren’t just allowed, they are celebrated! It’s like being part of a family where everyone helps each other grow.

We also have active ‘Lean Coffee’ sessions in the community, where we meet up once a month, for ad hoc discussions on a range of topics that are important to AWS and the tech world. Such valuable networking has led us to collaborations, job opportunities and allowing us to connect with other professionals.

Being able to gain insight into AWS services and features, enhances our knowledge and getting to meet new faces from other areas of the business is invaluable. It’s an excellent chance to share wisdom across the AWS practice, from seniors to associates and those new to Version 1, helping us all to feel welcome and appreciated within the company.

We, as associates, have stand-up meetings twice a week with mentors and team leads. We talk about what we’re learning and our plans for growth. To learn and prepare for onboarding to real projects, we are working on mini-projects. By doing so, we’ve gotten to know our colleagues including senior engineers and mentors who provide guidance whenever we need it. This makes us feel like we really are part of the AWS practice, working toward a common goal.

We’re also involved in Version 1’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) competition with colleagues in the AWS community, and we meet weekly to discuss our ideas. We have monthly meetings to gather insights on what to write for our Medium blog. Sharing and listening to each other’s ideas broadens our perspective.

EJ and colleagues from Version 1

In EJ’s words: I am a Korean mum of two children who just came back to the tech industry after a long career break. I remember the day I met one of the team leads in the AWS community. He told me that “Version 1 welcomes you as who you are, and you can contribute your difference to make it better.” Personally, I’m very excited to take part in a public talk in front of a company-wide event called ‘Real People, Real Stories’ to share my life story in October. Without encouragement and support from the AWS community, I would not have the courage to do so. I want to give back to Version 1 and step outside my comfort zone.

Sarah enjoying snow in the Andes

In Sarah’s words: I had reached a plateau in my previous career as Assistant Director of a language school. Outside of work, I spend a lot of time snowboarding and if I reach a plateau on the mountain, I want to escape as soon as possible otherwise I would stop. With this in mind, I embarked on a career change into the world of tech, joined Version 1 and haven’t once looked back. Each day in the AWS practice, I am learning something new.

We feel like the AWS community strives to nurture and train all of us to become the best professionals in the industry and be ready for anything. We are genuinely proud to be a part of this community that is all about personal and professional development while keeping things real.

Our journey in the AWS community at Version 1 so far has been a real adventure which is only just beginning. It is a place where honesty, learning, and growth matter most. It is just real people supporting each other and we are thrilled to be on this journey together.

To find out how you can join Version 1, check out our Careers and Digital Academy pages.

About the Authors:
Eunjung Shin and Sarah Lally are both Associate AWS DevOp Engineers here at Version 1.

