PeopleSoft Cloud Manager 13

Graham Smith
Version 1
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2022

On 11 November 2021 Oracle posted the latest update to PeopleSoft Cloud Manager. Cloud Manager is the PeopleSoft application that manages other PeopleSoft environments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Here at Version 1, we use OCI to run numerous PeopleSoft systems for development, prototyping, R&D and customer demo purposes and Cloud Manager plays an important role in helping us do routine things easier and quicker.

There are 2 very interesting things I want to write about.

Cloud Manager Self Updating

The first is the Self Updating Feature of Cloud Manager. The screenshot below shows my Cloud Manager 12 instance has detected that Image 13 is now available, downloaded and ready to apply.

This isn’t the first time I’ve used the Manage Updates feature in Cloud Manager but this is the first time that Cloud Manager will also perform a PeopleTools upgrade of itself as part of the Make Me Current process in applying the Application Updates for Image 13.

In summary, the Self Updating process will perform the following steps:

  1. Provision a new PUM Source Image 13 of Cloud Manager
  2. Apply any PRPs to the PUM Source Image
  3. Upgrade the Target (itself) to PeopleTools 8.59.04
  4. Create and apply a Change Package for PUM 13 to the Target

All of this in just under 4 hours! Pretty impressive.

NOTE: At the end of this fully automated process there is a manual step that involves running the This is covered in PeopleBooks and is called out on the Cloud Manager Manual Updates status page. Two things to note:

  1. You MUST have all Environments in a Started state before running this script as one of the things this script does is update some scripts on each target Environment and (of course) each Environment must be available for the script to update the files.
  2. The PUM Source environment must be available (ie Running) when you run this post_upgrade_script and so make sure you don’t hit the Clean-Up button until after you’ve run this script.

Environment Infra DPK Patches

The second thing I want to call out is that Cloud Manager now supports Infra DPK Patching. You’ve been able to perform PeopleTools Upgrades and Patches since Cloud Manager 6 in 2018. Now, as of Cloud Manager 13, we can do WebLogic, Tuxedo, Java and Oracle client patching on mid-tier and Windows client nodes. The screenshot below shows an HCM Image 37 environment running on PeopleTools 8.59. It shows the Current Version for the mid-tier stack and PeopleSoft Client and indicates that there is a Latest Version to apply. The Apply process for these 2 nodes took around 30 mins. Very nice and now very secure!

Originally published at

About The Author
Graham Smith is Head of PeopleSoft Technology here at Version 1.



Graham Smith
Version 1

Head of PeopleSoft Technology at Version 1. Oracle ACE Director, PeopleSoft and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure specialist.