PeopleSoft Kibana — Providing Powerful People Insights

Caroline Cavell
Version 1
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2021

Did you know that PeopleSoft now has several delivered analytics dashboards — Yes all set up and ready for you to use, just like the one in the image below which relates to recruitment.

As you can see these dashboards are a great starting point for you to visualise how Kibana could help your organisation to provide strategic decisions with the back up of the data at your fingertips. So now you have the insights right in front of you to be able to take the action!

Were you aware that Oracle PeopleSoft have already delivered the following Dashboards?

✔ Workforce Insights which includes for example Compa-Ratio by Age and Gender.

✔ Health & Safety which includes for example Incidents by type, by location.

✔ Time & labour which includes actual time vs scheduled time.

✔ Absence Management — Absence Division Trends, Absence by Type.

✔ Recruiting Solutions — Internal vs external, heat map of skills.

And on top of that, the future enhancements in this area just keep coming. I am particularly looking forward to seeing what will be delivered in relation to Benefits as well as Payroll insights in the coming releases.

So here are my top ten thoughts on why these Dashboards will become part of organisations HR and Management Team’s go to place for strategic decisions:

1. Users do not need to be Technical. They can see information at-a-glance and can interact easily with a deep dive drill down for detailed insight.

2. Users can go direct to records using actionable links — how easy is that?

3. A picture can say a thousand words — is very true. Who doesn’t like a picture that you can talk around in meetings? And the heat maps really help the data ‘pop’ out at the user.

4. Grab Managements attention to what the data is telling you.

5. Users can easily identify trends and take quick action.

6. So many interesting visualisation features available for example, charts, tables, and geographical maps — you can build this according to the users needs and what works for them.

7. In the past Line Managers have been shouting for Transparency of Data, information that they can make decisions with — and now you have it.

8. No impact online processing and security is based on search authorisation.

9. If upgraded to tools 8.59 then the data can use real time indexing — yep update the data and the information on your analytics will be accurate.

10. And last- but not least — No additional license Cost!

In summary you now have a window to your data that is open and available, it has no additional cost, it is configurable to your business needs, and it will help with organisation policy and decision making. You can even take this data ‘on the go’ to walk through in meetings, providing the evidence that backs up your insights, bringing HR into the forefront of organisational decision making based on the truth and not manipulated data.

There really is no excuse to get cracking on this and start with what Oracle have delivered. You can then build on that and make it unique to your organisation — asking yourself as you develop your own — what is it that our business needs at our fingertips to inform us to take immediate action at the right time? The delivered analytics is just the starting point.

Nothing to lose and a lot to gain for Powerful People Insights.

If you are interested to see a video that Jo Randles @Version1 has created that demonstrates a dashboard, please do reach out and I will send that to you.

As always, if you are looking for advice and guidance feel free to connect.

About the author

Caroline Cavell is a Managing Consultant within the PeopleSoft Portfolio @Version1. She has worked with the PeopleSoft Applications for over 25 years.

You can contact me at



Caroline Cavell
Version 1

Managing Consultant working at Version1 in the PeopleSoft Practice