QA: An Agile Method for an Agile World

Shauna Mccarthy
Version 1
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

While IT plays an integral role in every aspect of the modern era, software development still faces many challenges. In light of this, effective methodology plays a crucial role in success. In the ever-evolving world of IT, companies need to be able to adapt quickly. The rate at which new technologies proliferate and the dynamism of customer businesses underlies the need for an Agile software development methodology. The Agile method embraces change and flexibility, allowing it to keep pace with the modern world. An Agile approach guarantees a more effective and more frequent return of value for customers.

It goes without saying that the Agile approach differs drastically from the traditional waterfall methodology, resulting in many IT leaders not knowing how testing activities fit in. This article outlines the three key success factors which enable QA to drive home a successful delivery in an Agile environment.

Develop a clear testing strategy and define quality metrics

Building test strategies and a test plan is of utmost importance in an Agile environment. Goal definition is also imperative but may not be as simple in an Agile world. QA needs to ensure that goals are properly defined from the outset and instilled within daily testing activities. The iterative methodology of Agile delivery depends on a common understanding of what success looks like.

Before the quality of deliveries can be evaluated, it is important to establish the metrics of measurement. The QA team should help the developers define such quality metrics. Questions should be asked such as: How are bugs classified? and How is efficiency defined? The QA team is integral to producing the highest quality for the customer.

QA-Dev alignment

With Agile, a new mindset is adopted ushering in a myriad of new responsibilities for QA professionals and developers leading ultimately to the delivery of better results. QA and Dev need to be on the same page and engage in the spirit of partnership. The QA-Dev divide which encompasses the traditional waterfall approach needs to be eradicated with developers and QA now working in tandem. Day-to-Day activities need to be in sync, with both involved in ceremonies such as daily stand-ups, planning, and user story refinement meetings. In essence, QA is working to progress a user story, just as developers do. For an Agile method to be successful, testing is fundamental and must be embedded within the development process.

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

Automation, Automation, Automation

Automation can play an important role in the Agile world. Taking into account the many features that are developed in every sprint, automated testing can play a big role in ensuring newly added features are not impacting existing functionality. With the nature of shorter sprints, it is often not feasible to have the time to manually execute the entire suit at the end of every sprint. However, it is imperative to properly plan and design the automation activity. Test automation tools and significantly advanced and this is where the QA team should focus their attention. If executed correctly, Automation can help QA deliver testing activities much more efficiently and effectively.


To conclude, the QA team in an agile environment should have a vision and set a strategy. The key to success lies in collaboration and communication across the whole team. It is crucial to stay on top of the latest technologies in the QA domain and to look further afield and understand new techniques on the horizon. The ultimate goal with Agile of course is to adapt to change in a world of ceaseless innovation. A methodology such as Agile which boasts flexibility as its core component is a way of keeping ahead of the curve.

About the Author

Shauna McCarthy is currently a Managed Services Consultant at Version 1.

