The Little Q Keywords That Could

Jonathan Kane
Version 1
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2024
Photo by K B on Unsplash

In programming, keywords are predefined words with special meanings that form part of a language’s syntax. The Q programming language is rich with keywords, many of which were introduced to improve the readability of its predecessor, K4, by “wordifying” many primitive operations. In this blog, we’ll explore some of Q’s lesser-known or underutilised keywords that can be quite powerful when used effectively. We’ll also examine a few keywords whose usefulness might be questionable.


The csv keyword is a synonym for “,”, often used to represent a comma delimiter.

Example Usage

csv is primarily used when specifying a delimiter for preparing or saving text data:

q)csv 0: ([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)
q)"," 0: ([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)

In the past, csv was particularly useful for working with comma-separated values (CSV) files. However, other delimited file formats have become popular, and it’s now common to use different delimiters when preparing or saving text data:

q)"|" 0: ([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)

Given this shift, csv is less useful than it once was. To maintain consistency, especially when using different delimiters, one should prefer to specify “,” explicitly.


Introduced in version 3.2, dsave is a convenient keyword used to write global tables to disk as splayed, enumerated, indexed KDB+ tables. It simplifies the process of saving data, especially when dealing with partitions.


x dsave y
  • x : The save path as a file symbol (atom or vector).
  • y : One or more table names as a symbol (atom or vector).

Example Usage

In a fresh Q session, let’s define a simple trade and quote table:

q)trade:`sym xasc flip `sym`price`qty!5?/:(`3;100f;100)
q)quote:`sym xasc flip `sym`ask`bid!10?/:(distinct trade`sym;100f;100f)

You can save these tables to disk using dsave:

q)`:db1 dsave `trade`quote

The command above creates a new root directory named db1. Within this directory, two subdirectories, trade and quote, are created for the respective tables. Additionally, dsave automatically enumerates any symbol columns in the tables, resulting in the creation of a sym file under the root directory (e.g., db1/sym).

dsave will apply the parted attribute to the first column of the saved tables (sym in this case).

q)\l db1 // Load db1
q)meta trade
c | t f a
- - -| - - -
sym | s p
price| f
qty | j
q)meta quote
c | t f a
- -| - - -
sym| s p
ask| f
bid| f

You can also save to a specific partition by providing a two-item list as the left argument. In a fresh Q session, we define the trade and quote tables as before and then save them to a partition:

q)`:db2`2024.01.17 dsave `trade`quote

Comparison: dsave vs .Q.en & .Q.dpft

While similar results can be achieved using set combined with .Q.en, or .Q.dpft, dsave offers a simpler and more direct approach.

Using set and .Q.en (fresh Q session):

q)`:db3/trade/ set .Q.en[`:db3;update `p#sym from trade]
q)`:db3/quote/ set .Q.en[`:db3;update `p#sym from quote]

Using .Q.dpft (fresh Q session):

q).Q.dpft[`:db4;2024.01.17;`sym;] each `trade`quote

dsave streamlines this process by combining these steps into a single, more intuitive operation.


The next keyword retrieves the next item in a list, returning null for the last item since it has no successor.


next x
  • x : A list from which to retrieve the next items.

Example Usage

q)next 10 20 30
20 30 0N

For mixed lists, the last item is an empty list of the same type as the first item:

q)next (10 20 30f;"hello";`blah)

next is particularly useful when dealing with temporal types:

q)quote:([] sym:6#`a`b; time:00:01:00.000+"j"$1e3*0 0 17 42 68 112)
q)update next[time]-time by sym from quote // Duration of a quote
sym time
- - - - - - - -
a 00:00:17.000
b 00:00:42.000
a 00:00:51.000
b 00:01:10.000


Conceptually, next performs the following operation:

1_x,enlist x 0N


The prev keyword retrieves the previous item in a list, returning null for the first item since it has no predecessor.


prev x
  • x : A list from which to retrieve the previous items.

Example Usage

q)prev 10 20 30
0N 10 20

For mixed lists, the first item is an empty list of the same type:

q)prev (10 20 30f;"hello";`blah)
10 20 30f


prev is effectively doing this:

(enlist x 0N),-1_x


The xprev keyword allows you to access the item x places before the current item in a list, padding with nulls where necessary.


x xprev y
  • x : The number of positions to look back.
  • y : The list from which to retrieve the previous items.

Example Usage

q)2 xprev 10 20 30 40 50
0N 0N 10 20 30

For mixed lists, the first x items are empty lists of the same type:

q)2 xprev (10 20 30f;"hello";`blah;1 2 3f;101b)
10 20 30f


Conceptually, xprev performs the following:

y (til count y)-x


The rand keyword is used to pick or generate a random value.


rand x
  • x : A list (to select a random element) or a number (to generate a random number between 0 and x).

Example Usage

q)rand 10 20 30 40 50
q)rand 1000

rand is a shorthand for the following:

first 1?x

While rand is convenient for generating a single random item, the ? operator should be preferred for generating larger sets:

q)\ts rand each 1000000#10
626 41164880
q)\ts 1000000?10
19 8388800


The reciprocal keyword computes the reciprocal of a number or a list of numbers.


reciprocal x
  • x : A number or a list of numbers for which to compute the reciprocal.

Example Usage

q)reciprocal 1 2 3 4 5
1 0.5 0.3333333 0.25 0.2

This operation is equivalent to applying the % operator with 1 as its left operand:

q)1%1 2 3 4 5
1 0.5 0.3333333 0.25 0.2

Both forms have similar performance:

q)\ts:100 reciprocal 1+til 10000000
4127 402660944
q)\ts:100 1%1+til 10000000
4070 402660384

While reciprocal is more verbose, % is often preferred for its succinctness and clarity.

rload & rsave

The rload and rsave keywords are used to load and save splayed tables from and to directories, respectively.


rload x
  • x : The directory path (as a symbol) from which to load a splayed table.
rsave x
  • x : The directory path (as a symbol) to which a global table will be saved.

Example Usage

In a fresh Q session, define and save a splayed trade table:

q)trade:update `sym?sym from flip `sym`price`qty!5?/:(`3;100f;100)
q)rsave `:db/trade

The trade table can be loaded using rload:

q)delete trade from `. // remove from memory
q)rload `:db/trade

Comparison: rload & rsave vs get & set

rload and rsave are less flexible than the get and set keywords, which allow specifying different target directory names.

For example, saving with a different name using set and loading using get:

q)`:db/tradeOther/ set trade
q)delete tradeOther from `.
q)tradeOther:get `:db/tradeOther/

rload and rsave also require global tables, whereas get and set can work with local tables.

q)f:{[] tradeLocal:update `sym?sym from flip `sym`price`qty!5?/:(`3;100f;100); rsave `:db/tradeLocal}
[1] f:{[] tradeLocal:update `sym?sym from flip `sym`price`qty!5?/:(`3;100f;100); rsave `:db/tradeLocal}
q)f:{[] tradeLocal:update `sym?sym from flip `sym`price`qty!5?/:(`3;100f;100); `:db/tradeLocal/ set tradeLocal}

Implicit iteration is a benefit of rload and rsave:

q)t1:([] a:1 2 3; b:"abc")
q)t2:([] a:4 5 6; b:"def")
q)rsave `t1`t2
q)delete t1, t2 from `.
q)rload `t1`t2

Explicit iteration is required with get and set:

q)`:t1/`:t2/ set' (t1;t2)
q)get each `:t1`:t2
+`a`b!(1 2 3;"abc")
+`a`b!(4 5 6;"def")

If you don’t need the extra flexibility of get and set, rload and rsave offer a simpler method for saving and loading splayed tables.


The signum keyword evaluates an integer value and returns:

  • -1i for a null or negative value
  • 0i for a zero value
  • 1i for a positive value


signum x
  • x : An integer value.

Example Usage

q)signum -1 0 1 0N
-1 0 1 -1i

You can use signum to categorise and count price movements by their direction:

q)t:([] price:10 11 9 8 8 15)
q)select ct:count i by direction:signum deltas price from t
direction| ct
- - - - -| -
-1 | 2
0 | 1
1 | 3

This example demonstrates how signum can be used to summarise directional price changes in a dataset.


The sublist keyword selects a subset of a list.


x sublist y
  • x : The number of items to take from the start of the list if positive, or from the end if negative.
  • y : The list from which to extract the sublist.

Example Usage

q)3 sublist 10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30
q)-3 sublist 10 20 30 40 50
30 40 50

If the requested sublist exceeds the available items, it returns as many items as possible:

q)10 sublist 10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50

You can also select a slice of the list:

q)1 3 sublist 10 20 30 40 50
20 30 40
q)1 10 sublist 10 20 30 40 50
20 30 40 50

Comparison: sublist vs take (#)

Use sublist when you want to avoid exceeding the number of available items, unlike the # operator which always returns the requested number of items:

q)10 sublist "Hey"


In the Q programming language, while some keywords are well-known and frequently used, there are others that, though lesser-known, offer powerful functionality that can simplify and optimize your code. From efficient data-saving methods with dsave, to navigating lists with next, prev, and xprev, and managing splayed tables with rload and rsave, these keywords may seem minor at first glance, but they can make a significant difference in your code’s clarity and maintainability.

However, not all keywords are equally valuable in every context. For instance, the csv keyword, a shorthand for comma-delimited text, might be less useful in modern coding practices where other delimiters are also prevalent. Similarly, while reciprocal provides a way to calculate the reciprocal of a number, the more concise 1% is usually preferred for its brevity and clarity.

Understanding and utilising these underappreciated keywords not only enhances your proficiency in Q but also opens up new possibilities for writing more readable, efficient, and maintainable code. So, the next time you’re coding in Q, consider reaching for these keywords — they might just become your new favourites.

About the Author:

Jonathan Kane is a Senior Kdb+ Engineer at Version 1.



Jonathan Kane
Version 1

A Senior KDB+ Engineer with a passion for all things programming.