The Power of Decision Analysis

Lalita Lalwani
Version 1
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2023


Making Better choices in Complex Situations Using a Systematic Approach

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Do you know that BABOK has 50 techniques which are extremely useful for Business Analysts. However, with so many techniques, we get confused which is what and where to use. So, I am going to start this blog series specifically for Business Analysis techniques.

What is Decision Analysis

Decision analysis is a technique that helps business analysts and stakeholders make informed and rational decisions in complex and uncertain situations.

It involves defining the problem, identifying, and evaluating alternatives, choosing and implementing the best option, and monitoring the outcomes. Decision analysis can also help business analysts understand and document the decision-making process, identify potential risks and opportunities, and communicate the rationale behind the decisions.

At its core, decision analysis focuses on understanding the relationships between different factors influencing a decision. By capturing this information in a visual format, such as flowcharts or decision trees, analysts can gain insights into how various variables interact.

By utilizing decision analysis techniques, business analysts can effectively analyze alternatives based on multiple criteria and…



Lalita Lalwani
Version 1

Lalita shares all she learns and finds useful with others by writing about it. She writes for you, not just for herself.