The Role of AI in Project Management

Joanita Radivoev
Version 1
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2024
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Since ChatGPT was first launched at the end of 2022, we have all dabbled with AI in some way. Either to help us understand topics better (please explain this to me as if I am a 5-year-old), create cool images, write poetry, learn a new language, or increase our productivity. AI is becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives.

When you do an online search on “AI in Project Management,” several articles, books, and reports appear, debating whether AI will replace Project Managers or which tools are the best for managing projects. It is clear that AI is all around us and already impacts the way we work.

Despite the enthusiasm around AI, I have also seen some caution or resistance. Recently, a client shared how their customers are raising tough questions about AI’s role in their projects. While there is some hesitancy, the potential for AI to enhance project delivery and operations is enormous. However, not all organisations are eager to jump on the ‘AI bandwagon’. Many are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach due to concerns about investment requirements, data management, ethics, and regulatory issues, to name a few.

The idea for this post came about when I tried to create a ‘delivery framework’ for implementing AI projects. While researching the topic, I realised that this is such a vast field without a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution.

The best delivery framework or approach depends on your project goals, company culture, team dynamics, stakeholder expectations, risk tolerance and even the technology you use. My goal is to create a series of posts to better understand implementing AI projects and what you need to consider when embarking on an AI journey.

What is AI?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a field within computer science dedicated to creating systems that mimic human thinking. These systems use algorithms and computational models to analyse and interpret data, enabling them to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

In “The Business Case for AI”, Kavitha Ganeshan dedicates an entire chapter to what AI is. She explains:

“AI in this day and age does not have anything close to human intelligence in a general sense. Still, it can mimic human thinking and even surpass human abilities on specific tasks — ones that it is trained to do.”

She defines specific areas of AI that are the most relevant to Organisations and explains that these areas are useful based on the following criteria:

1. It is “narrow” — can only perform a handful of tasks exceptionally well.

2. It relies on the availability of data for learning.

3. It shows value.

The five most relevant areas of AI to Business, according to Ganesan, are:

1. Machine Learning (ML)

2. Deep Learning

3. Computer Vision

4. Robotics

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Current State of AI in Project Management

According to the PMI’s Annual Global Survey on Project Management, 21% of respondents say they are using AI always or often in project management. The report emphasises that project managers must explore and leverage the opportunities that AI offers, and at the very least, fluency in the basics of AI should be non-negotiable for them.

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) article “How AI will transform Project Management” elaborates further on the topic and references Gartner’s prediction that by 2030, 80% of project management tasks will be run by AI.

“If applying AI and other technological innovations to project management could improve the success ratio of projects by just 25%, it would equate to trillions of dollars of value and benefits to organisations, societies and individuals.”

There are several opportunities for AI to enhance and support the role of the Project Manager:

· Enhanced selection and prioritisation of high-value projects

· Automation of routine tasks (automated scheduling, reminders, reporting, generating meeting notes)

· Virtual Project Assistants

· Optimise resource management by analysing past project data to allocate resources better

· Real-time project monitoring and updates

· Analysing data to support faster and better decision-making

The opportunities are endless. Tom Davenport (Business Consultant, Author and Professor in IT and Management) hits the nail on the head:

“AI can automate the mundane and free up the project manager to focus on strategic, creative, and impactful work.”

Benefits and Challenges

AI offers numerous benefits, including efficiency, deeper insights, cost reduction, and innovation. However, it also presents challenges such as job displacement, bias, privacy concerns, and security risks. Incorporating human oversight in AI processes (keeping the ‘Human in the Loop’) is critical for responsible AI deployment.

How to Navigate the AI Maze and Harness its Power in Business — Version 1


Understanding the basics of AI and its current applications in Project Management is the first step toward leveraging its potential. As Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, puts it:

“Artificial Intelligence will disrupt the future of work, but it will also create new opportunities for those prepared to harness its potential.”

Enhancing our understanding and readiness to adopt AI can help us better navigate the complexities of implementing AI technologies and unlock their benefits. We can focus our time and energy on more strategic and creative work by embracing AI.

“The real value of AI is not in replacing human jobs, but in freeing humans to do what they do best: innovate and create.” Andrew Ng

Have you started integrating AI into your project management work? Please share your experience.

About the Author

Joanita Radivoev is a Delivery Manager here at Version 1.

Resources (Quoted in this post):

Artificial Intelligence in Project Management | PMI

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? | Built In

community-led-ai-and-project-management-report.pdf (

Shaping the Future of Project Management With AI | PMI

How AI Will Transform Project Management (

The Great Acceleration: CIO perspectives on generative AI | Databricks

Unleashing Your AI Advantage (

The Business Case for AI (Kavita Ganeshan)

AI to create new jobs & enable faster learning: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella — BusinessToday


Further Resources relating to AI and Project Management:

Free PMI Course: Generative AI Overview for Project Managers (

The AI Advantage (Tom Davenport)

The AI Revolution in Project Management (Vijay Kanabar)

Applying Artificial Intelligence to Project Management (Paul Boudreau)

How the Project Management Office can use Artificial Intelligence to improve the bottom line (Paul Boudreau)

The AI Project and Work Management Revolution is here! Practical Strategies for Seizing this Moment to Become a Higher Performing Organisation with Happier People (Mike Taylor)

Revolutionising Project Management: Harnessing the Power of AI (Avery Harrison)



Joanita Radivoev
Version 1

Delivery Manager at Version 1. Passionate about People & Technology.