Setting up GitHub Account

Harsh Seksaria
Version Control System, Git and GitHub
3 min readMay 9, 2021


Hey there! Hope you're doing well.

In the last blog, we saw what GitHub is, and how it helps a team manage their code. In this blog, we will set up a GitHub account and explore a few features.

Creating your GitHub account

Go to

GitHub Landing Page

This is the landing page of GitHub. The globe that you see is interactive and it shows recent activities in some public repos. Click on it, move it around, and explore.

If you already have an account, click on the “Sign in” on the top right corner and enter your credentials on the page that opens up, like the one below.

GitHub Login Page
GitHub Login Page

If you don't already have an account, click on the “Sign up” on the landing page or “Create an account.” on the login page.

GitHub Sign up page
GitHub Sign up page

Fill in your details in the above form when you reach the Sign-up page. Choose a username that you like. This username will be your representative and will appear in all public places in GitHub. So choose creatively. To verify the account, do whatever the puzzle requires. Then click on the “Create account”. That's it. You will then be taken to your GitHub profile.

GitHub Dashboard

GitHub profile
My GitHub Profile

This is how the GitHub account looks like. Since I have already been working for some time, I have a few repos created.

You can create as many repos as you want and also choose to keep them private or public. A public repo can be viewed by anyone on GitHub and cloned.

I will tell you how to create GitHub repos and other GitHub features as and when they come into our use throughout the next blogs. Till then, happy learning.

My name is Harsh Seksaria. I like to write about the topics simplifying them as much as possible for you to understand without unnecessary effort. Still, sometimes something may not be very clear. If you find any mistake, error, or you have a suggestion, just mail me. I’ll try to improve it asap.

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Harsh Seksaria
Version Control System, Git and GitHub

MSc Data Science @ Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, INDIA