We’re looking for NoCode Experts, Makers, and Entrepreneurs

Why? Because we’re building a consulting firm that YOU are going to be the star of. That’s why.

Trevor Goss
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2020


Here’s the idea at a 50k ft level

We’re building a consulting firm focused on NoCode development that allows businesses to run faster, leaner, and more profitably.

First, Some Context

As a Founder, I’ve personally experienced the power NoCode tools have had on my ability to build products, empower services, and run my business efficiently. To be able to build things that were once just imagined ideas is akin to the power of the world you unlock when you learn to read. It’s transformative.

While the ability to “build” is powerful and alluring to many of us (including Marc Andreessen), the problem is that doing all that building still requires the investment of time — often a lot of time — and for many of the organizations now adopting NoCode tools, they prefer to invest capital instead of time.

That’s where we come in. We’re building Version 1 — A consulting firm focused on NoCode development that allows businesses to run faster, leaner, and more profitably.

NoCode has crossed the chasm, and organizations now gravitating to it include funded startups, small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), and even large enterprises. They’ve bought into the NoCode philosophy for all the same reasons you and I have, and are moving their teams and operations in that direction, but they don’t want to (or can’t) build everything themselves.

That’s why we’re building Version 1. To help companies define the processes and build the infrastructure they need to operate most efficiently. Best of all, we deliver this value to clients on a consulting basis, saving them time and expense, as well as the ongoing overhead of full time hires. Especially given the current macroeconomic circumstances right now, that’s a big deal!

We’re building a new kind of consulting firm

So you’ve read what we’re building for our clients, now let’s talk about what we’re building for you. In short, Version 1 is the sort of company WE would have wanted to work with in the past if it had existed. Think of it as “tech work meets gig economy.” Below, I’ll explain how we work, or if you want to skip straight to the roles we’re looking for scroll to the bottom.

  • Flexible: 100% you can work with us on the side, remotely, anywhere in the world, likely while working on something else. In fact, this is the ONLY way we operate. For a range of reasons, talented people are not always looking for a job. In fact, for many creatives and entrepreneurs, the idea of working for someone else at all makes you cringe. But we’re all looking for opportunity. Beyond that, hiring a full time person is often beyond the needs of a company. The need to build something or improve something is there, but it isn’t a sufficiently large need that would substantiate a full time hire. On the other hand, consulting “projects” offer you and our client a fixed duration, fixed scope, fixed price deliverable.
  • Focused: Do what you’re best at (roles explained further below). If you’re an Expert, you’ll work on a single project at a time so you can focus all your attention on completing it, and not worry about finding it. If you’re a Project Lead, you’ll be able to focus on defining a project and communicating about it vs finding it or completing it. If you’re a Scout, you’ll be able to focus on finding projects and articulating value to a client, not on defining the project or actually doing the work to complete it. In each case, being able to laser focus on the work that you do best will allow you and everyone else to function as part of a well-oiled machine. Most importantly, this focus avoids the “freelancer’s dilemma” where you have the dual requirement of finding work and then doing the work you’ve found.
  • Experts. There’s a reason we look for fellow NoCode Experts, Makers, and Entrepreneurs: WE are all the experts at this stuff. We’re the ones in the trenches who have actually built the zaps, the flows, the sequences, etc. We’re the ones who built the snazzy Webflow site, the amazing Bubble app, the Airtable base with 73 connected tables, etc. And we can bring that expertise to a client company that needs our help to solve a specific challenge.
  • Outcome Driven. Often, consulting engagements are plagued by overcomplexity, scope creep, change-orders, extended timelines and high costs. These are all bad outcomes that can be avoided by focusing on small scope, short duration projects, lasting less than two weeks, and featuring clear deliverables and pricing.
  • Future Proof. NoCode is here to stay. As the tools progress and more services come online, the ability to “build” will only get more and more powerful. As a result, companies that adopt the NoCode philosophy will be able to much more easily upgrade their operations in the future.
  • Fully Documented: Documenting NoCode solutions is really difficult when work is spread across platforms, across logins, and when many people have access to the tools and the power to modify them, etc. It’s so difficult that we decided to turn it into a core component of our service. While the power of NoCode is using myriad systems combined intelligently to create powerful solutions, that power comes with even more responsibility to document how everything works, why it works the way it does, and why key decisions were made. Each Version 1 project comes with full documentation including written explanations, screenshots, and video.

With all of that preamble, let’s get to the nitty gritty. We’re looking for three types of people:

  1. Experts: This role is someone who is an expert at a given NoCode tool, say Airtable for example, or a collection of tools, and enjoys getting into the weeds of actually building the solution for a client.
  2. Project Leads: This role works with the client to articulate Version 1’s capabilities, qualify budget, authority, needs and timing (BANT), translate client needs into a specific product or service that we’re going to build. This role focuses on communication and is responsible for overall project documentation, whereas the Expert is responsible for actually doing the building.
  3. Scouts: This role is the hunter. They are responsible for making contact with a potential client. Sometimes this is just a simple referral, and other times the scout may choose to have more involvement.

We’re looking for multiple people for each role. Click here to register.

All we need is your contact info for right now. We’ll be sending out more info in the coming days on how to apply and how we work.

Why Version 1?

Peter Thiel’s seminal work Zero to One describes the difference in complexity in going from nothing to something. Zero is the default state. One is the built state.

That’s what we do here: we create the built state.

