Android JetPack Series: Navigation

Neha Nathani
VersionN Studios
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2018

Android, as a developer platform, has evolved a lot over time and we have been seeing new tools, techniques and enhancements introduced that make app development simplified be it Constraint Layout, Visual Editor, Profiler or other performance tools. Last week at the I/O event, Google launched Android Jetpack.

As the name suggests, Jetpack is a combination of tools and libraries(pack) which make development faster(jet) and simpler. It provides common infrastructure code so you can focus on what makes your app unique.When something major is launched for developers, the first obvious question for developers is the support for backward compatibility. Jetpack takes advantage of android support library to provide us backward compatibility. That being said, let’s dive into the details!

The Jetpack comprises of basic 4 categories viz. Architecture, UI, Foundation and Behaviour.

Most of the topics mentioned above have been there since a while as individual libraries or in Support Library. However, there a few new ones Navigation, Paging, WorkManager, Slices and Android KTX(* in image above) that directly paved its way in JetPack whereas other existing libraries became a part of JetPack now.

In this series we will go through the newly introduced components in JetPack, starting with Navigation.


If you’ve seen iOS developers work, you may have seen storyboards in action already. Navigation component lets you define flow of the screens. To take advantage of navigation, we must use Navigation Architecture component.

Navigation flow in xml

Principles of Navigation

  1. There should be a fixed entry point for the app. For e.g. In most cases its the SplashScreen
  2. The “navigation state” of the app can be looked up on as a stack of screens in the flow
  3. The app should be designed such that the ‘UP’ button never exits the app
  4. Up and Back are equivalent within your app’s task. To know more about tasks and backstack, read here
  5. Navigation architecture focuses on single activity app. Deep linking in such case should create same backstack when navigating in the app to same destination

Getting Started

To make use of navigation in your project, add following in project gradle file

dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion"
classpath 'android.arch.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-alpha01'

Now in your modules gradle add following dependency

// Navigation

implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment:$versions.navigation"
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui:$versions.navigation"

Next step is to create navigation folder under res. Same hierarchy where layout folder is placed. You can defined multiple nav_graph or flows in this folder to define the navigation flow. Provided there is a launch point and an end destination.


The following example shows navigation between StartFragment and EndFragment placed in StartActivity. The layout for StartActivity looks as below:

// start_activity.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""


The navGraph value in activity’s layout defines the navigation flow.

// nav_graph.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<navigation xmlns:android=""




The launcher home is the StartFragment with action as end_action which corresponds to end_dest. In the Design view, this looks as follows.

Design view of nav_graph.xml in Layout Editor

When an action is performed on the StartFragment, the EndFragment is launched. In theStartFragment, adding the below snippet will bind end_dest to the button.

On pressing back, the StartFragment reappears as per principles of navigation. This feature helps visualize and define flows appropriately. Another interesting thing is passing parameters between fragments is really simplified.

// nav_graph.xml<fragment

android:name="screenName" app:type="string"
android:name="category" app:type="integer"


In the next part of the series, we will explore Paging, WorkManager, Slices and Android KTX. Stay tuned!



Neha Nathani
VersionN Studios

Work on #android, #LoveCode, Organizer @ #BlrDroid, #WomenTechMaker Believe in #Karma. Twitter @nehadhanwani