“Understanding Social Platforms,” now summarized in a presentation deck

Angela Tran Kingyens
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2017

Two months ago, we published our second eBook, Understanding Social Platforms. In it, we discuss the dynamics of each social platform type: messaging, private networks, public networks, enterprise networks, and communities. We also cover important topics for social platform businesses like metrics, exits, valuations, and our outlook for future opportunities in social.

Today, we are happy to announce that this eBook is now available in slide deck form for a faster read or quick refresher for the over 2,500 of you who have already picked this up!

You can download the slide deck here. And if you’re interested in the full version of the book, it’s available as a PDF or ePub.

Originally published at versionone.vc on February 22, 2017.



Angela Tran Kingyens

Values- and data-driven early-stage investor @VersionOneVC, people developer, engineer, Torontonian, Ultimate Frisbee player, and hockey fan.