Jim Dowd Discusses North Capital, New PPEX ATS Platform For Private Securities With Dave Hendricks

Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2020

In this video, Dave Hendricks interviews Jim Dowd from North Capital about digital assets, blockchain, and the future of private securities trading with the PPEX Alternative Trading System (ATS). Vertalo and North Capital are working together to connect and enable the digital asset ecosystem. View the full interview below:

The digital asset ecosystem requires connecting together many independent parties — so both North Capital and Vertalo have decided to take an API-first approach when designing their technology. Here is a view of the new PPEX homepage:

Dave asks Jim questions about the new PPEX Alternative Trading System (ATS) which is focused on allowing investors to facilitate secondary transactions in private shares. This creates a secondary market for buying and selling ownership in private assets, which currently does not exist in a sophisticated format. Here you can see an image of the trading platform populated with orders:

Digital asset technology promises to revolutionize private markets, and make them operate more similarly to how public markets operate now. Jim explains how the RFQ (Request-For-Quote) technology functions, as the entire PPEX system is based on limit orders. This is a security measure because market pricing is often unreliable in low-volume private asset markets. Here you can see what the RFQ interface looks like for placing new orders:

North Capital is working with Vertalo to connect and enable the digital asset ecosystem. Watch the full interview to learn more about Vertalo & North Capital and how you can use digital assets.

View North Capital on the Vertalo Partner Database.

Learn more about Jim Dowd & North Capital at NorthCapital.com

Learn more about the Vertalo Partner Program at Vertalo.com




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