Business | Slack Redesigns Its Interface

Refreshed user interfaces are usually a sign of new incoming features.

Marcus Spencer
Vertical Bar Media


Credit | Slack

Slack, the popular workplace messaging platform, has redesigned its interface in a bid to help users focus and be more productive.

The new design, which was rolled out in August 2023, features a number of changes, including:

  • A new sidebar that organizes all of your Slack activity into three tabs: Home, DMs, and Activity.
  • A new “Later” tab that lets you save messages and notifications to read later.
  • A new “Unreads” section that shows you all of the messages that you haven’t yet read.
  • A new “Drafts” section that lets you save unfinished messages.
  • A new “Search” bar that makes it easier to find the information you need.

The new design also includes a number of other changes, such as:

  • A new font and color scheme that are designed to be more calming and less distracting.
  • A new layout that makes it easier to see all of your conversations at once.
  • A new way to manage notifications that gives you more control over how and when you’re alerted.



Marcus Spencer
Vertical Bar Media

I have experience writing in-depth reviews of tech products, with a focus on market trends and analysis.