What is the Internet Computer?

Vigneshwar Krishnamoorthy
Verum Capital Insights
4 min readMar 14, 2023

Analyzing Dfinity’s foray into decentalized leger technology.


What is Dfinity?

  • Dfinity (ICP) is a blockchain project attempting to build the first-ever world computer at internet scale. That’s where Dfinity’s Internet Computer nomenclature comes in — it refers to a public blockchain network upon which anyone can build anything without using centralized clouds like AWS.
  • Dfinity is a blockchain network aiming to realize an internet-scale version of decentralized computing. In other words, imagine using an open, peer-hosted internet that didn’t live on centralized clouds, servers, and through corporate providers.

What are ICP’s objectives?

  • While Ethereum has this abstract goal of becoming the world computer, ICP’s sole objective is to change the web as we know it.
  • Essentially Dfinity wants to enable websites to host software and data, without relying on a separate third party like Amazon Web Services.
  • To date, the Internet Computer has created decentralized LinkedIn, known as LinkedUp, and their own decentralized TikTok aptly titled CanCan.

Technical Architecture

What is a Subnet?

  • A subnet is a special blockchain within the Internet Computer network that can integrate with other blockchains to increase capacity.
  • The Network Nervous System combines nodes from independent data centers to create subnets that host canisters, an evolution of smart contracts.
  • Each subnet runs its own blockchain, and canisters run on-chain, allowing them to call canisters on other subnets/chains seamlessly.
  • There is no difference between calling a shared canister function on the same subnet or a different subnet.
  • Subnets are transparent to canister code and users, and the ICP protocol replicates data and computation across subnet nodes in the background.
  • The system is more secure than traditional blockchains as the protocol controls the precise decentralization of data and computation.
  • Traditional PoW or PoS pooling, or creating validator nodes with vast amounts of stake, is not possible.
  • Direct interaction between subnets is enabled by Chain Keys, which are made possible by novel advanced cryptography developed by DFINITY.

What is a Cannister?

  • Canisters are computational units that contain both program and state.
  • They are similar to containers in that they contain compiled code and dependencies for an application or service, allowing for easy deployment.
  • However, canisters also store information about the current software state with a record of preceding events and user interactions.
  • While containerized applications might include information about the state of the environment, canisters persist a record of state changes resulting from an application’s functions.
  • Canisters consisting of both program and state are important because there are only two types of calls: non-committing query calls and committing update calls when a canister function is invoked by sending a message to one of its entry points.

How does it work?

  • ICP runs through an open algorithmic governance system called the Network Nervous System (NNS).
  • This complex system is managed by ICP’s network of nodes.
  • These nodes also create subnets (or applications) that execute a unique type of smart contract called canisters.
Zoom In for a Consolidated Overview about ICP’s Architecture

Foreseeable Advantages

Distinguished between Moxie Marlinspike’s Statements and ICP’s offerings

Foreseeable Disadvantages

Perspective on ICP based on its value propositions


Dfinity’s Internet Computer is a blockchain project with the ambitious goal of building the first-ever world computer at internet scale. With its unique architecture that includes subnets and canisters, the project aims to realize an internet-scale version of decentralized computing. While the technicalities behind ICP may be complex, the project’s objectives are clear: to change the web as we know it. With decentralized LinkedIn and TikTok alternatives already in existence, it’s exciting to see what other innovations the platform will bring.

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Thanks for the inspiration Isaiah McCall Shruti Sutwala & Coinbureau

