About problems…

Guilherme Resende Freitas
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2020

It's common for all human beings to experience in life some situation of discomfort. I'm sorry to say but we are all doomed to face displeasant situations some times. We call them problems.

For all I know life is experiencing reality, and when doing so, we can feel good about some things and bad about others. And that feeling is the part of our reaction to the experience.

So, how you react to something is also composed by how you see it. Your point of view of the whole experience. What you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you deduce rationaly, what you feel, what you imagine and create.

And that means your experience change if you change your point of view, or how you see it, how you experience it.

Why not trying to face problems like they were just challenges? Like oportunities to learn or to see something from a different perspective, and grow. Leting flourish the most beautiful human being you could ever possibily be.

You are art.




Guilherme Resende Freitas
Editor for

Developer, artist, musician, spiritual portal and person.