
May/June 2022 — Verus Monthly Recap

The latest Verus updates on development, community, ecosystem and more. Subscribe to the newsletter here.

Max Theyse
Verus Coin


Next to the monthly recap on Medium, you can receive the exact same content through a newsletter. Subscribe here. I’ll keep things short and to the point.

Verus Protocol First Release Candidate (RC1) Live on Testnet

The first release candidate for the Verus protocol is now live on testnet. Anyone can launch (no programming needed) blockchains and currencies. Including DeFi at the protocol layer and a non-custodial Eth-bridge. Try the fully functional testnet now, and see what the future of decentralized multi-chain, multi-currency networks look like.

➡️ Download latest release on GitHub

⚠️ Protocol developers are hard at work getting everything ready for mainnet. There is extra work being done on an additional security mechanism for chain notarizations on top of the ones that are already in place. This addition benefits the protocol greatly making it more robust.

All Eyes on Verus During Consensus 2022

As you might know, Verus attended Consensus 2022 in Austin, on June 9–12, with its very own booth. It was a successful conference for the community, lots of fun, lots of heads turned, and lots of interest. Many community members attended, and for most of us it was the first time we all met in real life! It was an absolute pleasure and privilege meeting fellow community members and making friends along the way. The conference ignited a renewed sense of urgency for the continuation of the Verus mission. A public good for all of humanity, enabling novel ways for people to work together and create value. The future is bright. Thanks to everyone who donated that made this a possibility!

📖 ➡️ Community member tango808 wrote a summary of all that was happening. Read it here.

Learn about Community Currencies and Social Tokens

Some must-reads to learn more about how currencies and tokens can be used on the Verus protocol.

Community Currencies: A Case Study to Explore New Technical Possibilities

The Coming of Age of Social Tokens

