Lisa Walton
Veruscript Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2017

Veruscript is pleased to be working with to help improve the communication of methods and protocols in science publishing in an effort to address the reproducibility issues currently affecting the research community.

What is is an online platform aimed at improving the reproducibility of methods for researchers. The platform gives DOIs to methods that are ‘runnable’ and allows researchers to follow a method step-by-step, helping researchers to perform the technique and record any changes in the process.

Methods published via are also ‘branchable’, so if a researcher finds an improvement for a protocol they can create a new branch, with the improved steps, meaning they can get credit for the improvements whilst the original authors are also acknowledged. Protocols also works as an app, so researchers can use it in the lab as they are creating methods to help ensure all details are recorded while the experiment is being conducted. demo video

What are the benefits for authors and readers?

Laboratory protocols shared on are archived and linked permanently to and from the published paper. The protocols can then be copied, modified and evolved. Sharing protocols in this way allows the sharing of details of experiments that can too often be overlooked in an article’s methods section. Publication of protocols in this way helps give granular credit to authors, and helps improve the reproducibility of published research.

The protocols can also be accessed before they are publically available when a link is shared, allowing editors and reviewers to assess methods in depth, improving the assessment process for published research. Once made public, the methods can be discussed, meaning researchers trying to replicate or improve the methodology can reach the original authors for feedback.

How are Veruscript working with

By uploading their methods to, our authors can allow editors and reviewers to access in-depth methods in order to evaluate their manuscript. Protocols are given their own persistent digital object identifier (DOI) which authors can include in their methods section of the manuscript. Upon publication authors protocols are automatically published and linked permanently to the paper. For Veruscript this is a step forward to address reproducibility issues in science publishing, and to help improve the recognition for all contributors to published research. Our author guidelines will be updated to reflect our work with

Author Guidelines

Veruscript recommends and encourages the deposit of laboratory protocols in, where they are given their own persistent digital object identifier (DOI). Please enter the protocols into, issue a DOI, and ensure to cite that DOI in the methods section. The protocol will only be visible to those with the link, which our editors and reviewers will use to evaluate the manuscript. The protocols will be automatically made public when your article is published.

