A Glimpse At The Future of DeFi

Navigating the possible opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for DeFi

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance
3 min readAug 18, 2023


It’s an undeniable fact that decentralized finance, better known as DeFi, has emerged as a game-changing force in the financial world. Experiencing explosive growth over the past few years, DeFi’s total value locked (TVL) has reached a staggering $88 billion, according to the stats dashboard, DefiLlama.

So what exactly caused this growth? Well, thanks to a perfect storm of factors, such as an increased hunger for financial freedom from central authorities, the rise of decentralized applications (dApps), and the persistent FOMO nature that is cryptocurrency, a new financial frontier is being charted.

Now, no one can really predict the future, especially in the case of DeFi, due to the space changing and adapting at the speed of light. However, as we gaze into our crystal ball, it’s exciting to imagine what is yet to come. Here are some of our predictions:

Increased Cross-Chain Interoperability: A common saying in DeFi is “the future is cross-chain”. This has never been more true as more and more solutions are popping up every day to make this possible. But what does this really mean? At its core, cross-chain interoperability is about enabling different blockchain networks to ‘talk’ to each other. This communication facilitates transferring and sharing of data and assets between blockchain ecosystems. This is often achieved through bridges and cross-chain protocols (ex. LayerZero, Cosmos). However, one of the main challenges is maintaining security during cross-chain transactions, along with ensuring each individual chain’s integrity. As DeFi continues to evolve, we’ll likely witness a surge in cross-chain interoperability as these issues get addressed.

Fractional Ownership: The concept of fractional ownership isn’t new but applying it in the DeFi landscape is a revolutionary thought. This enables increased liquidity and more people to have access to high-value assets (such as real estate or fine art) by purchasing a fraction of them, democratizing investment, and spreading wealth more evenly. To achieve this, said assets are tokenized on the blockchain, with these tokens representing ownership fractions. Platforms such as RealT and Fractional have already started to offer these services but we expect to see this industry increase over the next few years as more market opportunities arise. But, ensuring regulatory compliance, verifying asset authenticity, and managing price volatility are challenges to consider. However, NFTs and DAOs might just bring the necessary oversight and governance needed into the picture.

AI and IoT Integration: With the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) recently, there is no doubt we will see these technologies being incorporated into DeFi very soon. For instance, IoT data could automatically trigger insurance payouts in a decentralized insurance platform. Simultaneously, AI could be used to enhance the risk assessment and fraud detection sectors. However, issues related to data privacy, IoT data accuracy, and AI algorithms’ explainability could pose some challenges. Luckily, significant strides are being made with decentralized oracles and federated learning models.

Algorithmic Stablecoins: While already present, we could see algorithmic stablecoins gain even more traction and evolve further due to the fact they are a popular and decentralized alternative to fiat-backed options (ex. USDC and USDT). Algorithmic stablecoins are designed to maintain their value against a specific asset, or a pool of assets, using algorithms and smart contracts to manage supply and demand. This dynamic and autonomous approach can reduce reliance on collateral but may also lead to complexities and potential instability due to the algorithmic model’s inherent vulnerabilities.

So, as we’ve peered into the future together and made some predictions, we’re standing at a fascinating crossroads. Will the challenges we’ve talked about turn into hurdles or stepping stones? It’s all about perspective, resilience, and a fair bit of patience.

There’s no denying it; the DeFi landscape is like the wild west of finance, with pioneers carving new paths, and innovators reinventing the wheel. But with all this potential, it’s clear as day that DeFi isn’t just a buzzword, it’s on its way to taking over.

So, whether you’re a newcomer staking your first tokens or a DeFi native navigating the best source of yield, remember: Vesper is here to help build the future. Why not dip your toes in with our sustainable yield strategies? Learn more.

