Get Based with Vesper

Vesper Finance
Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2024

Following a successful VIP vote, Vesper has launched on Base.


After a successful VIP vote, we are excited to share that Vesper is expanding to Base. This expansion includes the launch of four new pools.


Launched in August 2022, Base has quickly become one of the fastest-growing L2s. Despite fierce competition, Base has stood out by offering developer-friendly tools and utilizing Coinbase’s large user base.

Across March and April of 2024, Base often led the pack with the highest number of daily active users among all L2s, at over 350k. Its TVL continues to increase, from $437 million at the start of 2024 to over $1.7 billion. Daily transactions are no different, jumping from 400,000 in January 2024 to over 3 million in April.

Initial Pools and Strategies

  • vaUSDC (native — USDCbC) pool

Extra Fi Pool #1 deposit

Extra Fi Pool #2 deposit

Compound USDCbC deposit

Aave v3 deposit

  • Deploy vaETH pool

Stargate Deposit

Extra Fi Pool #1 deposit

  • Deploy cbETH pool

Compound Fi deposit — borrow ETH

  • Deploy wstETH pool

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