The Vesper Uniswap LP Campaign

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

Vesper main launch is tomorrow, February 17, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Below is everything you need to know about earning VSP for providing liquidity to Uniswap.

The Vesper team will initially launch VSP-ETH trading via SushiSwap. Immediately after, the team will post $400,000 worth of ETH and 160,000 VSP (opening VSP price: $2.50) to VSP-ETH on Uniswap.

This initial liquidity will ultimately be removed at a later date when open market participants satisfy VSP’s liquidity needs.

Uniwap VSP Rewards Schedule

The total VSP rewards allocated to Uniswap liquidity providers is 400,000 VSP. These numbers may be subject to change at the discretion of the community in the best interest of stakeholders.

There are one million VSP tokens allocated to liquidity providers. Of those, 400,000 VSP (40%) are reserved for Uniswap rewards over the course of twelve months. These VSP rewards are skewed towards the first months of the campaign, with a heavy emphasis on the first weeks.

The breakdown of VSP for Uniswap liquidity providers is as follows:

  • Month 1: 74,000 VSP
  • — Week 1: 29,600 VSP
  • — Week 2: 22,200 VSP
  • — Week 3: 14,800 VSP
  • — Week 4: 7,400 VSP
  • Month 2: 50,000 VSP
  • Month 3: 46,000 VSP
  • Month 4: 36,000 VSP
  • Month 5: 32,000 VSP
  • Month 6: 24,000 VSP
  • Months 7–12: 23,000 VSP each

Earning VSP: Geyser

Uniswap Liquidity Providers will be incentivized with VSP rewards via Geyser. Users will have to deposit their LP tokens to our corresponding geyser to be eligible for rewards.

Geyser provides “competitive yield farming” — users can boost their weight in the LP pool by spending GYSR when they claim rewards tokens. Additionally, there is a rolling bonus for “time in” the Geyser. The longer you stake, the higher your multiplier; up-to 3x weight for those who stake the entire twelve month duration.

Note that these boosts multiply your weight in the pool, not your rewards produced. See Geyser’s documentation for more information on strategy behind maximizing your rewards.

