This Week: A Preview of Vesper’s Latest Collaboration

Also: VIP regarding pool retirement coming soon, VSP incentives continue on StakeDAO

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance
2 min readJan 6, 2023


Vesper Community, Meet Metronome

Soon, Vesper users will have the opportunity to deposit their existing Vesper positions into Metronome in order to mint synthetic assets.

These synthetic assets may be traded within the Metronome application, used to provide liquidity and earn yield on exchanges like Curve, or swapped back for more of the original deposit asset for a looping yield experience.

Keen on learning more? Make sure you’re following the Vesper Twitter account to find out when this launches.

Upcoming Pool Retirement

In order to optimize gas efficiency, the Vesper team intends to take a look at low-traffic pools and recommend some for retirement in an upcoming proposal. This optimization aims to deliver higher revenue and larger VSP buybacks

Pool retirement means that new deposits will no longer be accepted and the pool will no longer continue to earn yield. Users will always be able to withdraw 100% of their funds.

The pools we have currently identified for this VIP are:

  • Grow — Aggressive DPI, Conservative USDT, Conservative DAI
  • Orbit — FEI

In advance of this, we’d welcome discussion on this topic in the #governance channel on the Vesper Discord. Stay tuned for a VIP.

StakeDAO Vote Market

Recurring VSP Incentives for FXS voters towards our vaFRAX gauge continue through StakeDAO’s Vote Market.

Got FXS? Earn VSP. Check out how.

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Vespernauts Errin and Zane contributed to this report. Edited by Phil Gomes.

