This Week: Expanding Vesper’s List of Strategies
Also: Vesper Grow featured in Decentralised News, multiply your $FXS emissions
New Strategy Deployments!
Stargate, Euler, and Convex-for-Frax strategies are out of audit and ready for production. Smart contract deployments are underway and pool weight will be feathered into these new strategies over the coming weeks.
Initially, our ETH and stETH pools will utilize Euler deposit/borrow for better total rates when borrowing stablecoins. USDC and FRAX will take advantage of higher Convex yield on the Frax side of the platform, and USDC/FRAX/DAI/ETH all will have some TVL deposited as Stargate LP.
FRAX Gauge Update
Those staking FXS can vote to direct future FXS emissions to the Vesper FRAX pool and earn VSP for doing so.
Votes occur weekly and end at 2:00 p.m. ET each Wednesday. This week, veFXS voters can earn their share of 1,250 VSP rewards.
Vesper users can earn high APY when they deposit FRAX to the Vesper FRAX pool, then stake that deposit on Convex.
Vesper Featured in Decentralised News
Decentralised News highlighted Vesper Grow pools in a recent article.
Taken from the article:
“Users do not have to worry about deciding which strategy specifications to choose since that is the responsibility of the architects of each pool strategy. In addition, Vesper gives users the ability to interact with smart contracts directly and since the project is open source, pretty much any developer is able to start building with Vesper.”
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Vespernauts Errin and Zane contributed to this report. Edited by Phil Gomes.