UNI and USDT Pools Enter Beta

Vespernauts voted to whitelist UNI and USDT as the next Vesper Grow Pools. These are now available for testing. More here…

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance


Users can now access the UNI and USDT beta pools within the VesperDev application. Initially, both pools will interface with Compound. Then, they’ll demonstrate v3 multi-strategy architecture by splitting pool assets across Compound and Aave soon thereafter.

Initially, these pools are not incentivized. The community and vVSP holders can discuss what rewards may look like once these pools graduate from beta to the main app. These pools and associated strategies have both gone through multiple rounds of independent audits and will be pushed to the main app soon after public testing has taken place.

Additionally, several new strategies are soon coming to the Vesper repertoire: Curve, Yearn, and Alpha Homora. This means that more creative and lucrative strategies can be built on top of them.

Please join the conversation in the developer channel on Discord to discuss these beta pools and possible future strategies. And remember: This is beta.

