Vesper Launches!

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance
Published in
1 min readFeb 17, 2021

As of today, February 17, at 10:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time and block 11875037, Vesper has officially emerged from beta!

As a result, much more of the DeFi ecosystem will learn what the Vesper beta-testing community has known for months.

That is: Vesper offers a new way to approach DeFi — one that blends the category’s powerful energy with the professionalism necessary to support DeFi’s expansion, adoption, and success.

Beta users have been awarded their VSP tokens and the VSP drip in the first three Vesper Grow pools — reflecting conservative strategies for ETH, USDC, and WBTC — has begun. At launch, trading began on Sushiswap and Uniswap.

If this is your first time hearing about Vesper, it’s easy to catch up quickly using in the launch primer. Also, but sure to read the documentation and follow Vesper on Twitter, Telegram, and YouTube.

Most importantly, though, please join our conversations on Discord and help shape the future of Vesper.

Looking forward to seeing what we will all build together.

