Vesper Pool Retirements

Dominic Mann
Vesper Finance
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2023

The passing of VIP-24 will push a variety of pools into retirement.


With the passing of VIP-24, several pools will be retired as they have experienced low participation and demand. As the revenue earned from yield is put back into pool operations, it can sometimes cause associated gas fees to be higher than the actual yield generated. This reduces the overall Vesper revenue model, resulting in a decrease of VSP bought back for vVSP pool depositors.

By retiring inactive pools, Vesper has the potential to generate savings of $5,000-$10,000 per year in operational expenses — capital that can now go back to VSP holders instead.

Important Information

Deposits on all retired pools will be paused once the retirement goes live, and yield generation on them will go to zero. Users will be able to withdraw their funds at any time indefinitely via the Vesper App.

What to Expect

The following pools will be retired on February 8th:


  • Aggressive DPI
  • Conservative USDT
  • Conservative DAI




  • FEI
  • AlUSD

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