The Three Month Plan


Lewis Daly
2 min readMar 18, 2017


In the first three months of Vessels, our goal is to get established. This includes the following tasks:

  • Find a better name (my wife doesn’t really like it. She thinks its too ‘techy’) We’ve changed names to Vessels. My wife is now a fan!
  • Read and learn a lot about the current state of ICT4D
  • Establish an online presence through (1) a medium blog, (2) our website, and (3) publishing a research paper on our first project.
  • Land our second project by June 18th (the day before my birthday!)

I’m setting us an ambitious goal of posting on the blog twice weekly — Wednesdays and Saturdays. This will be a challenge, but I’ve got plenty to write about!

How do I hope to land my second project you ask? Well, I’m not too sure just yet. I’m hoping that this blog and website can serve as a good reference point for prospective clients. I also have a pretty great networking opportunity coming up in May (not that I’ll be waiting till May to network).


We’re hoping to bootstrap things here, so our only real costs will be some small annual expenses, and copious amounts of time:

Three month expected expenses:

  • Website Hosting: 00.00 Already have some hosting, just need to get a free CDN set up as the server is a little slow
  • Domain name: 20.00
  • Business Name Registration: 34.00
  • Business card design and printing: 150.00

So, it looks like in our first three months, our total expenses will be roughly $204.00. Looks good to me. Given that I don’t really know when we will get our next project, we can hold off spending any more on things such as registering an official company. I’m hoping that I might find a writer down the line (possibly my wife) — someone who can blog about IT innovation and policy in low income countries.

Once we have landed a second project, so potentially within three months, we will have some other expenses:

  • Accountant: ???
  • ASIC Company Registration: 500.00
  • Business Bank Account: 00.00
  • Writer for the occasional post: 20.00/post

Once we get to this point, depending on the size of the project, I may also get another developer on board, so it’s worth keeping that in mind as well.

While it’s not that much to look at, they say failing to plan is planning to fail, so surely this is better than nothing.

Thanks for reading, and as always, get in touch at

