Our interview process

Adrian Vera
Vesta Engineering
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2021

We last updated our interview process in Aug 2021

At Vesta, we want to be as transparent as possible with our engineering interview process. This is why we decided to make it public so it’s available to everyone that wants to apply!

Our interview process consists of 5 interviews and a total of up to 225min or 3.75 hours.

  1. General fit (15 min)
  2. Take-Home test (30–45min)
  3. General Programming interview (30–60 min)
  4. Role specific Programming interview (60 min)
  5. Career and role fit (30min)
  6. Offer

First interview

What we are interviewing for: General fit.

Who conducts this interview: Brad, our VP of Recruiting, via video call

Length: 15 min

Goal of the interview: The main goal of the interview is to learn more about yourself and to give you more context on who we are and what we are up to. We try to understand if we are a good fit for what you’re looking for and get the process started.

Second Interview

What we are interviewing for: Basic programing skills

Who conducts the interview: It’s a take home test. We’ll send you an email with the instructions when the interview is scheduled.

Length: 30–45min

Goal of the interview: This is the first coding interview we do. The goal here is for you to show us how you would solve a small exercise and learn how you structure your code, think about DRY principles and overall to see some code

Type of exercises asked: The exercises are usually of low complexity. You might see a small function to implement, use some basic data structures, and organize some business logic in your code.

Third Interview

What we are interviewing for: Problem solving and general software development skills

Who conducts the interview: 2 of our engineers via a video screen share call.

Length: 30–60min

Goal of the interview: This is the first “in person” coding interview we do. The main goal is to get a sense of how you solve some small problems and start to see how your thought process is when developing a piece of software. We will also talk about what our day-to-day is, and the technologies we use. We rarely

Type of exercises asked: The exercises are usually medium complexity. You might see a class you need to implement or some business logic to model.

Fourth Interview

What we are interviewing for: A deeper knowledge of day-to-day problem solving

Who conducts the interview: 2 of our engineers via a video screen share call

Length: 60 min

Goal of the interview: This is our most in-depth interview. We get to work together for the length of the interview and spend some good time collaboratively solving a more complex problem than the ones before.

Type of exercises asked: We like to go a bit deeper on architecture, data modeling, problem-solving, scalability, etc. We use exercises that mimic one of our current/past projects in the company, so you also get to see parts of the business and some of the challenges the team runs into on their day-to-day.

Final Interview

What we are interviewing for: Role and goals

Who conducts the interview: Adrian, VP of Engineering

Length: 15–30 min

Goal of the interview: This is a very important interview for us, we’ll talk about the role itself a bit deeper, your goals for the role and what should help you with once you join the company.

If all goes well on both sides we’ll be moving into the offer stage as soon as we can and hopefully get you to join our team and be part of our mission!

Check out our careers page https://boards.greenhouse.io/vestahealthcare and feel free to ping me directly if you have any questions at adrian@vestahealthcare.com

