New to Vetcove: PIMS Integration with Vetport!

Bridget Kramer
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2022


Vetcove has recently started integrating with select PIMS to help practices track and order inventory with ease, all in one location. We are extremely excited to announce our newest integration — Vetport!

Vetport is a cloud-based veterinary management software offered to clinics of all specialties.

By connecting your Vetport account to Vetcove, you will be able to:

  • Manage Lists — shop your PIMS lists directly on Vetcove
  • View Quantities — view your quantity on hand and reorder points
  • Sync Purchase Orders — purchase orders will automatically be synced

Step 1: Connecting with Vetport

To connect your Vetport account with Vetcove, please head to the More tab at the top of your Vetcove screen and select “PIMS Integration”. On this Connect page, you will see the option to select Vetport. Please click on the box for Vetport and scroll down to view your linking instructions:

  1. Log into Vetport using your clinic’s unique Vetport login URL (for example
  2. Once in Vetport, click on Marketplace on the left side
  3. Scroll down to Vetcove and click on the green “FREE” button
  4. You’ll then be taken to a page showing Description, How to Install?, and Configuration Details tabs across the top. Click on the Configuration Details tab
  5. Locate your practice within the list and click on Integrate
  6. You’ll then be prompted with a window asking you to “Authorize Vetport with Vetcove?” Click on “Continue as (name)
  7. You’ll then see a green box pop up in the top right corner with a success message

Congratulations! Your Vetport account should now be connected to Vetcove!

Step 2: Connect Vetport Items to Vetcove Items

Once you are successfully connected with Vetport on Vetcove, you will see the following message:

Please click on Manage Connection to continue to initial setup process. You will now see two additional options at the top of your Vetcove PIMS Integration page: Lists and Products.

To ensure that your PIMS lists and product quantities are pulled into Vetcove, and to be able to shop items from your Vetport lists, you will need to link your Vetport products to Vetcove products. This will only need to be done one time around, but can be updated at any point.

Simply click on the Products tab at the top of your page, and click into each item that does not show a green check mark. You may also select the filter for unlinked items from the menu on the left side of this page to view all items that still need to be linked:

When you click on a given item, you will be prompted to search and then select the Vetcove item/s in the left column that you wish to link to the Vetport item listed at the top of the window. Keep in mind that a given Vetcove item can only be linked to a single Vetport item:

When linking items, you will often also have the ability to select a unit of measurement. Selecting a unit of measurement will help ensure the quantities for each item in a given purchase order are translated properly from Vetcove to your PIMS for receiving.

In the example below, you will see that you have the option to select whether you would like the item, Convenia Injectable: 10ml, to be received in your PIMS as 1 vial or as 10mL. If you receive and track the item in your PIMS per vial, you would select vial — if you receive and track the item in your PIMS per mL, you would select mL:

You may edit and update item unit of measurements at any time. Please note that if you do not select a unit of measurement, the default unit for that item listing on Vetcove will be selected. If you do not see your preferred unit of measurement listed as an option, please reach out to the Vetcove support team via the live chat in the lower right corner and we would be happy to assist!

Step 3: Shop on Vetcove through your Vetport Lists

Once all relevant Vetport items have been linked to their corresponding Vetcove items, you may view and shop items straight from the Lists page based on reorder points. To shop an item that is included in a Vetport list (Ex. Critical Shortages list) just click on the Show _ Items button.

The item listings will then drop down in the familiar Vetcove shopping format. Using the purchase quantity suggested (based on the optimal quantity entered on Vetport for that item) you may then add items to your vendor carts straight from here, just as normal!

Step 4: Shop and Place Orders as Normal

Now, when you place an order on Vetcove it will automatically be sent as a PO to Vetport! Do keep in mind that your Vetport inventory will automatically be synced to Vetcove roughly every 6 hours; however, you may always trigger a manual sync from either the Lists or Products tabs on the Vetcove PIMS page to bring in the latest inventory counts before shopping.

Additional Training Resources

Vetport has provided a short screen recording of the initial integration process as well as how to view and reference a few things within Vetport directly. Check it out here ➡️ Vetport Integration Demo

Need to turn off the integration?

Send us a message in our Live Chat (the little blue icon at the bottom of your screen) with your request! You’ll also want to reach out to the Vetport support team directly to verify whether there are any additional steps that need to be taken on their end to verify that your connection is fully turned off.


To reach the Vetport team:

Chat from within their Vetport application

Phone: 513–449–2300

To reach Vetcove:

Send us a message in our Live Chat which is the little blue chat icon that can be accessed at the bottom of your screen to speak directly with one of our team members!

Still have questions about setting up your Vetter integration? Feel free to head to Vetcove and click on the chat icon at the bottom of your screen to speak directly with one of our team members!



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