New to Vetcove: PIMS Integration with Vetter

Bridget Kramer
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2021


Vetcove now integrates with select PIMS to help practices track and order inventory with ease, all in one location. By connecting your Vetter account to Vetcove, you will be able to:

  • Manage Lists — shop your PIMS lists directly on Vetcove
  • View Quantities — view your quantity on hand and reorder points
  • Sync Purchase Orders — purchase orders will automatically be synced

Step 1: Connecting with Vetter

Before you can start using the integration, you will need to enable the Vetcove add-on from within Vetter as follows:

  1. Login to Vetter
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Add-Ons
  4. Navigate to the Vetcove line item and click on the plus icon
  5. Select the inventory categories that you wish to sync with your Vetcove account
  6. Click on Connect
  7. Authorize the integration in the form that appears

Once the add-on is enabled, your inventory items will be imported into your Vetcove account. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete!

Congratulations! Your Vetter account should now be connected to Vetcove!

Step 2: Connect Vetter Items to Vetcove Items

Once you are successfully connected with Vetter on Vetcove and you have allowed enough time for your inventory items to be imported, you may visit the following page to access your Vetter PIMS Integration:

You will see two additional options at the top of your Vetcove PIMS Integration page: Lists and Products.

To ensure that your PIMS lists and product quantities are pulled into Vetcove, and to be able to shop items from your Vetter lists, you will need to link your Vetter products to Vetcove products. This will only need to be done one time around, but can be updated at any point (please note that you will first need to set up inventory tracking on your Vetter account directly before you can view and connect items on Vetcove. For more information about setting up inventory tracking, please reach out to Vetter support! Their support info is at the bottom of this article).

Simply click on the Products tab at the top of your page, and click into each item that does not show a green check mark. You may also select the filter for unlinked items from the menu on the left side of this page to view all items that still need to be linked:

When you click on a given item, you will be prompted to search and then select the Vetcove item (or items) in the left column that you wish to link to the Vetter item listed at the top of the window. Keep in mind that a given Vetcove item can only be linked to a single Vetter item, but you can link multiple Vetcove items to a single Vetter item:

Step 3: Shop on Vetcove through your Vetter Lists

Once all relevant Vetter items have been linked to their corresponding Vetcove items, you may view and shop items straight from the Lists page based on reorder points. To shop an item that is included in a Vetter list (Ex. Critical Shortages list) just click on the Show Items button.

The item listings will then drop down in the familiar Vetcove shopping format. Using the purchase quantity suggested (based on the optimal quantity entered on Vetter for that item) you may then add items to your vendor carts straight from here, just as normal!

Step 4: Shop and Place Orders as Normal

Now, when you place an order on Vetcove it will automatically be sent as a PO to Vetter! You’ll find your POs under the Orders tab in Inventory. These orders will have a status of “submitted” so that new receipts can be recorded against them (for more information about creating receipts, please reach out to Vetter support! Their support info is at the bottom of this article).

Please keep in mind that your Vetter inventory counts will be sent by Vetter to Vetcove each night.

Still have questions about setting up your Vetter integration? Feel free to head to Vetcove and click on the chat icon at the bottom of your screen to speak directly with one of our team members!

